Curly perms

i love curly hair. if i knew about texlaxing ages ago i would of done that instead of relaxing. i would but i dnt want to lose the length and i aint feelin to rock two different hair textures at the moment.

so curly perm came to mind. can you have healthy hair and get it to grow with curly perm? how isit done? isit recommended or a risk not to take?

any info at all on this would help?
I can tell you now, if you get a curly perm, you will have to cut your hair down to the new growth. Basically, it will be like starting over. You will have to cut your hair down to the new growth to remove any traces of relaxer as you can not mix a relaxer chemical and a curly perm chemical together. The results are horrid:blush:!

If you had virgin hair, without any chemicals in it at all, then me personally, I would recommend the Wave Neveau(sp?). A good friend of mines had all virgin long hair and she decided to get a Wave Nuveau(sp?), and she opted to use larger rods and her hair came out long and beautiful. All she has to do is keep it moisturized. It has a loose wave pattern to it with curly ends. Very cute... I hope this helps.