Controversial Documentary Seeks to Expose Church Leadership Abuse and Victimization


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Controversial Documentary Seeks to Expose Church Leadership Abuse and Victimization

May 15, 2007
Director Hopes That This Expose’ Will Promote Honest and Transparent Dialogue That Aids in the Healing Process
New York, NY – Faith is a very sacred choice; a choice not to be entered into lightly. So, when a decision is made to join a church, it never occurs to you that the church leadership may someday take advantage of that sacred decision. With topics ranging from sexual improprieties, permissible divorce, stringent rules and regulation, shotgun weddings, intentional public humiliation, and much more, director Lance Gibson’s soon-to-be released controversial documentary entitled, “All in the Name of God” exposes the misuse of power within the religious community.
As founder and CEO of Diamond Film Company (DFC), a full service concept development and film company, Lance created, produced, directed and edited “All in the Name of God.” According to Gibson, “My true intentions with this 64-minute documentary is to shine the spotlight of the abuse on the clerics throughout the 21st century which has brought about emotional, mental and spiritual condemnation to those who had a sincere desire to learn and develop a relationship with God. Many victims carry that guilt with them to this day”.

Due out, tentatively, April 11, 2007, this part 1 of 2 cinematic masterpiece features Bishops, Pastors, politicians, mental health professionals, Bible scholars and lay people, as well as victims who are willing to share their stories with the world in order to prevent another person from going down the same road. At times, this compelling piece will leave you stunned and perplexed; while at the same time, sad and discouraged, yet you remain hopeful that this expose’ will do its good work and help in the healing process for those who have been victimized. What you will see is all true, the people are very real and all of the incidents did take place. How sad.

Featured in this highly controversial film are such notables as: Bishop Wayne Powell, Rabbi Jeffrey Sirkman, Dr. Lee Underwood (Psychologist), Bishop Roderick Caesar, Pastor John Thompson, Mark Jackson (Former NBA Player), Bishop Michael Rogers, Pastor Nathan Byrd, Anita Estell (Political Lobbyist), Bishop Liston Page Jr., Dr. Stacy Scott (Psychologist), Bobby Gibson (Christian Counselor), Gary and Deleon Sheffield (Major League Baseball Player and Gospel Recording Artist).

“All in the Name of God” is straight talk by powerful men and women concerning Cleric abuse, what signs to look for, and how to correct the wrongs. This powerful teaching tool will equip men and women with the necessary means to find a good and stable church home.

About Diamond Film Company:
Diamond Film Company (DFC) was established in the nineties, after Lance attended the famed New York University’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies for film. DFC boasts over 12 years in the industry, utilizing integrative services ranging from marketing, strategic planning, and promotions, to film and video production. DFC is committed to being a viable resource that is genuinely interested in success of it clients, some of which include: Weekend Vibe, New Millieum Studios, TV1, BET, Creating Your Marketing Blueprint (Infomercials), Verity Records, Jive Records, HBO Sports, United Negro College Fund, Star Financial Services.

For more information on “All in the Name of God” and Diamond Film Company, please visit: and