Coconut and LIME - RELAXER


Well-Known Member

Ok so I have heard great things about this coconut and lime ’relaxer’ and I would like to try it myself.

For the all 4b / 4z coarse haired NATURALS out there who have tired this, just how much loosened did your curls pattern become afterwards? got pics???

AND was it still loosend after you washed it out or did it curl back up?

Also, is it ok to do a protein treatment (Aphogee) after its washed out?

Ok so I have heard great things about this coconut and lime ’relaxer’ and I would like to try it myself.

For the all 4b / 4z coarse haired NATURALS out there who have tired this, just how much loosened did your curls pattern become afterwards? got pics???

AND was it still loosend after you washed it out or did it curl back up?

Also, is it ok to do a protein treatment (Aphogee) after its washed out?

I will do my best to answer you questions.....

I don't have 4z hair.. I have actually at least 3 textures, but none of them is 4z.... When my hair curls, they have pencil or larger coils....
But no Tiny Z, or coffee stirrer coils....

3c, 4a, and a combination of those:sad:.. it is curly, coily and wavy. My texture has also changed over time. and I believe that is due to lots of frequent organic conditioning /indian powders, and cassia....ETC, ETC. I know lots of people use OTC stuff, but I use more homemade stuff than anything.

The Coconut & Lime is my FAVORITE Temporary straighener. But - milk sour cream & lemon, etc, might work for you.... I don't know.
I did not use a blow dryer. I am giving that up for 2009... :)

I don't use Aphogee, since I don't use most commercial products.

But Coconut milk does have protien. Not GIANT amounts - but still - it is a light treatment.
