Clip-In Hair Extensions... Let's Talk About It


SuperDuper Member
So, I'm interested in purchasing some clip-in hair so I can do fancy-shmancy braid styles (ie. fishtail braid). My hair is currently BSL, but I want my braid to be full and reach MBL, so I need some extension assistance. :lol: I don't know about brands or anything, so my homework on it starts here. I was also thinking about making my own, but I think it would cost me more to make my own.

Do you have clip-in extensions? What's your experience with them? Do you love them? Could you recommend any brands??

YES! i recommeND but i cant find good ones that match my texture to a tee. Only been able to find the remy and my hair just isnt that silky.
Oh. I must be broke. I can't afford fancy clip ins right now lol. So I'm gonna make my own. I have the thread and clips. I just need to stop being lazy. I have two colors of hair also because I know my own hair color never matches. I'm hoping to wear clip ins for Christmas :)

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You can make your own clip ins if you find the hair you want. It's just sewing $3 clips on to a track with needle and thread. I plan on doing it soon with some left over Halley's Curls Gentle Wave Relaxed I have. There are lots of YouTube Tutorials.
You can make your own clip ins if you find the hair you want. It's just sewing $3 clips on to a track with needle and thread. I plan on doing it soon with some left over Halley's Curls Gentle Wave Relaxed I have. There are lots of YouTube Tutorials.

Yep! There are tons of tutorials on how to, but for us lazy/noninventive/un coordinated girls, can some one suggest where to buy them? Especially since winter is coming and sexy buns are in order.

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Yep! There are tons of tutorials on how to, but for us lazy/noninventive/un coordinated girls, can some one suggest where to buy them? Especially since winter is coming and sexy buns are in order.

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My bad! I didn't read the whole OP! :giggle: Sorry, I haven't heard of any good sites. When I looked around, I didn't see any textures that would blend well with textured / relaxed hair. But, I guess that wouldn't matter as much for updos and buns.
I'm not too sure who sells it at the BSS's. But Extensions Plus has a wonderful relaxed texture that will match sooooo good with natural hair ! I actually just made a wig out of mine if you'd like to see the texture. There is also a company called Senghori Shells that sells really nice Kinky Straight as well!! You would have to make the clip-ins yourself, but I think it'd be worth it!! because it's so easy to do!

I made my own and it was definitely worth it. I bought some Milky Way Yaky perm texture human hair in 16 inches. It was about 50-60 dollars for the one pack I used. The hair matches my hair exactly and looks very realistic looking.
Oh. I must be broke. I can't afford fancy clip ins right now lol. So I'm gonna make my own. I have the thread and clips. I just need to stop being lazy. I have two colors of hair also because I know my own hair color never matches. I'm hoping to wear clip ins for Christmas :)

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I actually think it would cost more to make your own... I may be wrong though. I priced a clip in hair thingy and it was 70.00. If you buy your own plus clips, I figured it may be more than that.

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Yea I used them and the ones I had were too silky for my hair. Try making them that'll probably be the best to get as close to your hair texture.
I'm using left over hair from a sew in earlier this year. I got the hair on sale through a flirty BSS employee so it's not too bad :)

The clips were $2 for 4 clips, I have leftover thread and a needle from the sew in as well. I think that was a dollar. So altogether about $30. It's just the labor that's gonna kill me. I'm lazy as hell...

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I love clip ins! I don't use them for length though, I only use them for thickness. I feel they look more natural that way.
Bumping! I'm thinking of getting halley's curls salon relaxed clip ins. On sale for $96 for 12 pieces different sizes equal to 4 oz of hair.