Check Out My Mom's Regimen!


New Member
I am so proud of her. She has fine 4a hair and has put together what I think is a pretty good regimen for herself. All this time I thought my "preaching" was going in one ear and out the other--turns out she was listening!!!

This is her regimen:

Wash & Style
~Wash 2x per week with Motions Lavish Shampoo and Silk Protein Conditoner (leavs on for 5-10 minutes). Finish with Motions Nourish Leave-In. Every 6-8 weeks she does an Aphogee Reconstructor Treatment.
~She detangles (bootom up of course) with a Goody Brush (w/plastic bristles). She then does a rollerset using Lottabody and Motions Foam wraps mixed, which she allows to airdry (overnight).
~She sleeps in a satin cap

~Profectiv Healthy Ends every other night.

~She relaxes every two months about 60% straight. She covers the already relaxed hair with a pre-relaxer protectant.
~Trims every two months, coinciding with the relaxer touchups.

Mom uses Loreal natural Match permanent hair color every 7-8 months.

~Centrum Multi, GNC B-Complex
~walking on average 30 minutes 4 days per week (she doens't have a car)

All of this from a woman who used to put relaxer through ALL of her hair and use SPONGE rollers! Of course that are things she could do better (I hate her brush), but she has really made great strides to improve the health of her hair so I am just encouraging her to keep up the good work.

I didn't even realize how well she was doing until I pulled down one of her curls yesterday and my jaw dropped:eek:... We took a picture of her hair yesterday (not digital camera so will have to wait for photo). It is about 3 inches from APL and very healthy. I recommended she make a goal for herself of APL by December and we would take another pic then. She is now so encouraged she says she wants to ultimately grow her hair to BSL and if it gets longer she'll keep growing!!!

I will post a before and after shot here. I just wanted to share my Mom's success.
I made a regimen for my mom. But she didnt follow it :lol: But she is constantly telling me how healthy and much longer my hair is. Whenever I make a suggestion, she tells me 'Girl, your's is all genetics' :lol: Gotta love her!!!
NessaNessa said:
I made a regimen for my mom. But she didnt follow it :lol: But she is constantly telling me how healthy and much longer my hair is. Whenever I make a suggestion, she tells me 'Girl, your's is all genetics' :lol: Gotta love her!!!

I mixed up stuff and an extremely basic regimen (no mention of protein or moisture) just make sure you wash and leave the conditioner in your hair for at least 15mins once a week - and my mum did not stick to it - as my hair gets healthier she reminds me I had loads of hair as a baby and when she was younger she had long hair and my dad's family have hair :confused: So basically forget all my crazy haircare stuff it's genetics!