Can I cry on your shoulder?: Update (Pics)

Your hair looks great! But keep in mind that relaxed hair + color + heat = breakage and shedding. Proper products and conditioning can lessen the damage but relaxer, heat styling (even with protectant)and color is going to cause noticeable breakage. If you like relaxing and coloring you need to leave the heat styling alone.
Your hair is beautiful and healthy. Sorry about your setback.

Is the Studio 709 the salon on Fulton & St Felix? How do you like it?
That clairol natural instincts in black broke my hair off viciously,back when I was relaxed. It was very bad. I big chopped soon after. Some women on here had good results with it though.

That's the same brand I used in Midnight Black, and haven't had any problems at all. But my hair is natural, so I didn't have any other chemicals on it already.
Don't really think of it as a setback. Look at the difference in your hair from April 10 compared with now. The ends are so much thicker and overall your hair looks fuller. So yes, you may be at the same length but the condition of your hair is in another league!
I wanna co sign the mild proteins in between treatments and ask OP if you use ceramide rich oils. I believe it thickened/strengthened my fine strands.
I'm sorry you're going though this. I had a setback that I started over a year and a half ago when I used a permanent hair color to dye my hair blue/black. I should have known better than to use a permanent color when my hair was doing just fine with demi-perm. I'm living and learning from that mistake. I'm a slow grower too, so I totally feel you on that.

I agree with the other posters though, your hair does look fuller and thicker this year!
This is EXACTLY my story from last April. April 2010 I had to trim alot to get rid of thin ends. I was so upset.

I hid my hair until January 2011 becuase I didn't want to see it.

So I feel your pain. :(

Remember. It grows back.
Meantime, hide your hair and TAke tender care of it.

Sent from my iPhone while out living my best life!
I wanted to add that I think the color was the culprit. I don't know if semi permanent is supposed to be better than permanent, but I colored by natural hair with a semipermanent because my stylest said how fabulous it would look and since I'd never colored my hair I went along. It looked fabulous, but it broke my hair off and I don't think it was permanent color. So, maybe you can not color your hair for six months and see what happens.
Sorry you're disappointed, just see this as a fresh start. There are some things in your regi you could probably tweak for better results next time. The main thing is stay away from color, even semi-perm, not everyone's hair can handle it especially being relaxed. Natural Instincts does contain a small amount of peroxide. When I was relaxed, I only used hair rinses (no ammonia NO peroxide) for color. You can't go lighter with a rinse, but it's a sacrifice you may have to make to reach your goals.

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Sorry that you're not where you'd like to be length wise, but your hair definitely looks fuller and healthy. Keep up the good work.. You'll get to BSL...

Question... Is this the same Tangela from Follicules? Has she moved? I used to go to her for my short cuts...

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