Brazilian Tech Keratin Smoothing Treatment


Island Gyal

Has anyone used this product? Any reviews?
Looks like a play off the Rusk Keratin Treatment.
I have the rusk poo and treatment and I love the result they give me. Smooth and supple hair. The treatment is amazing by itself, I have not noticed a better result when using the shampoo though (I tried the treatment first, then got the shampoo).
I have the rusk poo and treatment and I love the result they give me. Smooth and supple hair. The treatment is amazing by itself, I have not noticed a better result when using the shampoo though (I tried the treatment first, then got the shampoo).
so what does it do besides smoothing the hair? does it strengthen the hair too?
I have not noticed any particular strenghtening effect. Maybe it used regularly? I have only used it 3 times so far
I finally went out and bought this a week ago. Since last year I've been having a lot of shedding.... more than I've ever had in my life. So much so that I have to sweep my bathroom floors everytime I comb through or run my fingers through my hair. It only subsides when I get a fresh relaxer, but by week 2 it's back shedding.

Anyways I used the treatment and I noticed the shedding diminished slightly. Yesterday I used it again.... I shampoo my hair as usual and then I saturate my damp hair with the treatment. The directions say leave it in for 2 to 3 minutes.... I left it in for almost an hour as I was doing other things. When I rinsed I detangled with a wide tooth comb and I pulled my hair back into a low pony and went to work.

Lastnight I combed it out again before going to bed and I noticed that again, the shedding subsided even more. I wrapped my hair in a silk scarf and went to bed. I just removed the scarf and ran my fingers through my hair.... it's very soft, smells great and hardly any hair came out..... I ran the jibere shower comb through and about 5 hairs came out in the comb.... I looked on the floor and about 5/6 hairs on the floor.

I'm going to continue using this treatment to see if the trend continues....
Does this add a protective coating to the strand or is it a strong protein treatment?
I used the shampoo and treatment last week from Sally's and my natural hair did not revert at all this week. I washed again today and my hair is still smooth and my comb out is much easier. I will continue using this combo and will purchase again in the future. It works so well I may have to skip using it since shampooing again today proved the product to still be present.

Anybody else have a review to share?
I used this on Wednesday and boy I was so surprised the way the comb just went through my hair. I am about 6-7 weeks post, but you would never know it, the way the comb slid through my hair. I'm really happy with it.
Okay so I got it today and I am so pissed. :swearing: Do you know the conditioner had the fraking nerve to be on back order...Ugggg... I was like.. OH HECKA NAW!!! :-( So anyway I think Imma try out my Nexxus Pro-Mend today. :yep:

But I will keep you ladies posted.
I love this stuff. My mom mistakenly bought the Shampoo, Conditioner, and Treatment thinking it was a BKT kit. It's really just a smoothing cream and gets your hair a little less frizzy when you blow dry.
OKay so finally tried it... it's okay... not as good as my Sleek by Hair Matrix... The keratin left my hair kinda tangley.... and I hate that becase I am a 4a. So we can't be having that... So I am doing another wash tonight with my regular hair matrixs stuff and putting a black rinse on the top of it. :) I may post pics tonight.