Braid Wearers - Please Post Your Braid Regime


New Member
I am planning on getting the twist this weekend and would like to hear some of you ladies braid regime. For example:

1. How long do you usually keep your braids in?
2. How often do you wash your hair?
3. Do you dilute your shampoo and conditioner?
4. What braid spray do you use?
5. What method do you use to take out your braids?
6. How long do you wait before you perm your hair?

To prepare my hair for getting braids, I have been doing the following:

Washing and deep conditioning every 3 days with Nexxus Therapee and alternating between Dudley's Hair Rebuilder and Mizani Moisturefuse. Air drying with the ponytail method and using S-Curl Activator, WGO and different oils such as (jojoba, vitamin E, olive oil and kemi oyl). I have not permed now for 11 weeks. I want to keep the braids in for 6-8 weeks, remove for 2 weeks and rebraid again for 6-8 weeks before putting in another perm. Please let me know if this is possible and what is your braid regime. I have not experience any hair shedding (which is quite shocking to me) because usually after the 8th week without a perm, I shed like crazy. Any information would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to a brand new year with you ladies. I have gotten so much knowledge for you guys more than any experienced stylist I know. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU. May this year brings us not only new hair length but good health, life and strength.

1. How long do you usually keep your braids in?

I usually keep them in for 3 months. If I'm lucky sometimes I go for 4 months because I take some out, remove the buildup and rebraid.

2. How often do you wash your hair?

About 2 months ago I began washing my hair weekly. This helps the braided extension hair looking shiny and my hair grew quicker.

3. Do you dilute your shampoo and conditioner?

I don't dilute the shampoo or conditioner.

4. What braid spray do you use?

I use braid spray only once which is after I wash my hair. I don't use it on a regular because it aggravates my existing dandruff condition.

5. What method do you use to take out your braids?

I use no special method in taking them out I just make sure I have a lot of time on my hands so I don't have to rush and possibly damage my own hair.

6. How long do you wait before you perm your hair?

I no longer perm my hair. When I did perm I made the constant boo-boo of perming the same day. I think beca

1. How long do you usually keep your braids in?
2 months at a time

2. How often do you wash your hair?
Once a week

3. Do you dilute your shampoo and conditioner?

Yes, i use 1 capful of shampoo and fill half a cup of water, then pour it over my braids. However, i do not use instant conditioners on braids, because it may cause possible build up at the base of the braids. this only complicates the process of removing the exstensions, as conditioners tend to be thicker than shampoo.

Instead, I condition my braids with african pride braid spray and use infusium 23 to keep my hair in healthy condition.

4. What braid spray do you use?
African Pride or African Royale, I lightly spray my hair once or twice a day.

5. What method do you use to take out your braids?

I have no special method in removing braids. I loose the ends and carefully work my way up to the base and gently remove any build by moving my fingers back and forth.

I'm careful not to pull or snag the exstensions attached to the sides and nape of the neck.

6. How long do you wait before you perm your hair?

I don't perm my hair, however, you should really deep condition your hair for the same amount of time you kept your braids in, before perming. I use Lekair cholesterol, to make my hair soft and silky or CPR treatment conditioner if i'm suffering any hair breakage or excess shedding.

Your hair will be strong after braids, but even though you've used a braid spray and conditioned the extensions for a period of time, your hair still needs to be treated and rested.

It needs strengthening and moisturising, especially if your going to perm it, try a hair vitamin to aid in strengthening your hair.

Perms tend to be drying and aggravates our dry hair factor, putting a perm in too soon after braids may lead to breakage, remember to deep condition first, at least for 4 weeks, then apply relaxer only to new growth, because it will just weaken or break the old relaxed hair due to overprocessing.
1- After reading the other posts I'm ashamed to say I CANNOT keep my braids in for more than a month. Seems to me that once upon a time I used to be able to leave them for months but the past two times I've had my hair braided. (twists at an African salon and box braids done myself) I have BARELY been able to make it to 4 weeks with out looking crazy. Nothing smooths down the fuzz, not hair gel, not spray, nothing. I mean I'm happy for the new growth and all but it's causing me to have to redo my braids every friggin month. I'mma take a picture of my braids right after I do them this time and then 2 weeks in so you guys can see I'm not crazy. lol

2 - I do a conditioner wash once a week and a shampoo wash once a week for a total of 2x a week.

3 - Nope I use them just like I would on my hair without braids.

4 - I mostly use S-Curl on my braids every night but on occasion I switch up. I use Better Braids Spray sometimes or Hot Six Oil, and sometimes I even use my Fantasia Leave-in or Hair Polisher. I basically treat it just like I would if it wasn't braided.

5 - This last time I took out my braids I first doused my scalp and roots with Hot Six Oil and WGO. Then I thoroughly spayed my braids with Better Braids "UnBraid" spray and then sprayed each individual braid again at the root right before taking it out. I used a rat-tail comb to unravel each braid from the ends up to the roots and my fingers to loosen up stubborn areas.

6 - These days I'm getting my hair texturized. It's been 8 weeks since my last one and it will be 4 more before I go back for another. So that makes 12 weeks. I've never had a problem with touch ups the day after removing my braids. Maybe cuz my hair was already so soaked with moisturizers.
Hey JG (I'm a Jersey Girl too!)

1. I keep my braids in for @3-4 weeks at a time.
2. Weekly shampoo (yes it does get raggedy-looking from all the washing but I don't like product build-up.
3. Nope.
4. I like Better Braids and I just started using Dark & Lovely Hydrating Citrus Braid Spray. I also moisturize with S-Curl Activator and I-23.
5. I carefully cut off the braid below my own hair and apply any type of hair lotion or oil to loosen the braid. Then I unbraid it with my fingers.
6. The last time I wore braids for over a couple of weeks, I waited two weeks before getting a t/u and that was as long as I could stand it.

I just put in my own extensions last weekend, only 30 thin-sized braids, just to keep my new growth under control until my next t/u. I love wearing braids but I'll probably take them out this weekend to condition my hair for another week to get it ready for my t/u.

Good luck with your braids!
jerseygirl, i'll post my braid regime below, but here are my responses to your questions:

1. How long do you usually keep your braids in?
three months

2. How often do you wash your hair?
once a week

3. Do you dilute your shampoo and conditioner?
yes, i dilute both with 50% water/50% product

4. What braid spray do you use?
none, i prefer curl activator spray for moisture

5. What method do you use to take out your braids?
no particular method. i just put olive oil on and start unbraiding

6. How long do you wait before you perm your hair?
i didn't perm at all when i was wearing the braids continuously



I wear medium individual braids. I use Black & Gold Kanekelon synthetic hair.

• Wash hair once a week (or every other week) with diluted KeraCare Hydrating Detangling/Nizoral mix (to keep dandruff in check)

NOTE: I was washing twice a week but had a problem with the braids unraveling

• Condition with diluted KeraCare Humecto Creme conditioner

• Spray on 911 leave-in after towel drying (I honestly wasn't consistent with this step)

• After letting it air dry slightly, apply S-Curl No Drip or World of Curls activator (This step was KEY to my ends being healthy when I took the braids down. The brand of activator isn’t as important as the application of it.)

• Last, oil scalp. I use a color applicator bottle from the beauty supply. My oil mix contains basically any oils that I have available. However, the one that I like best is Hot Six, monoi, avocado and jojoba oils, with a few drops of rosemary and lavender essential oils

In addition to the above, I oil my scalp at least once a day, sometimes twice. Also apply the activator and rub the oil mix on my braids every few days, or whenever they look dry.

I started doing hot oil treatments towards the end because I was worried about my hair being in the braids so long.

All of the products used are my personal preferences. If you have something that works for you, by all means use it.
Hi JG,
1. How long do you usually keep your braids in?
<font color="red">10 to 12 weeks. I have interlocks at the moment.</font>
2. How often do you wash your hair?
<font color="red">every week to every 3 weeks. I think I'm going back to every week. I had less buildup when I took the braids out. </font>
3. Do you dilute your shampoo and conditioner?
<font color="red">Well, I use Better Braids shampoo spray which is meant for braids. For the conditioner I use Aussie Moist diluted. </font>
4. What braid spray do you use?
<font color="red">I was using the braid sprays they sell....but they weren't moisturing enough. I would take my hair out of braids and they were split EVERYWHERE. Then I was using my glycerin/water mix but I kept breaking out in zits so I'm sticking with s-curl (the grey bottle) and it's working beautifully. I haven't noticed zits from it so we'll see.</font>
5. What method do you use to take out your braids?
<font color="red">I unbraid then either spray Better Braids Un-Braid spray or apply Aussie Slip when I have some. Of the two I prefer Aussie slip...I lose less hair. </font>
6. How long do you wait before you perm your hair?
<font color="red">My hair is natural </font>
hey jersey girl here are the answers to yo questions
1. How long do you usually keep your braids in? 6weeks but am currently tryna go 8months or more

2. How often do you wash your hair?
before now i never washed myhair but am currently tryna do the no-poo every two weeks

3. Do you dilute your shampoo and conditioner? see Q2

4. What braid spray do you use?
i use stay-soft-fro braid spray and also a 1/3 water, 1/3 infusium 23 and 1/3 activator concotion

5. What method do you use to take out your braids?
normal undoin but rub base back n forth to make sure knot is lossened as much as possible

6. How long do you wait before you perm your hair?
am currently natural

ngaa /images/graemlins/drunk.gif
1. How long do you usually keep your braids in?

Generally 2 ½ to 3 months.

2. How often do you wash your hair?

I am currently washing maybe once every two weeks because it's cold up here and air drying the hair is very time consuming- but it must be dried (don't wanna catch cold with a wet head). I don't care for sleeping on a wet braided head either. During warmer weather, I wash about once a week and am much freer to go about my daily business with a damp head if necessary.

3. Do you dilute your shampoo and conditioner?

With my current braids, I'm almost 2 month in, I decided to start diluting my shampoo to avoid the concentrated soap globs I used to get. Also different this time around is I am not using conditioner on my whole head-I do work it down the strands though. I've read that conditioning the scalp while in braids is not necessary-but don't quote me on this . I figured I'd give it a try if there's a chance it will lessen my build-up. So far, so good. My hair is still coming in mostly soft and wavy. /images/graemlins/up.gif

4. What braid spray do you use?

After I wash, I spray on Infusium leave in and/or Pantene conditioning spray. When dry, I use a shea butter spray product (by Wonder Gro?) because the ingredients look pretty good and I like the smell. I am itching to try out the s-curl that has been so widely praised in the board, but I'm also trying to work through all the products I already have.

5. What method do you use to take out your braids?

I just "lock-in" with a rat-tail comb and work it out. I have a braid removal spray by African Pride that seems to work well in keeping my hair moist during removal. I don't know that I would have any other use for it than this.

6. How long do you wait before you perm your hair?

I have not relaxed my hair since July of 2002, nor have I colored since last June. You can imagine what my line of demarcation must look like /images/graemlins/perplexed.gif. Thankfully, I have been able to straddle the line safely while retaining my old length until I'm comfortable with a new un-relaxed one. Besides, I kinda like being able to clearly see the old me while the new me is emerging. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

When I break from the braids, I fall back into a routine of more regular washings, oils, and deep conditioners under a hooded dryer.

I just make sure to wrap it up everynight with a silk scarf.
I think that has a lot to do with it. HTH
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
4. What braid spray do you use?
i use stay-soft-fro braid spray and also a 1/3 water, 1/3 infusium 23 and 1/3 activator concotion

[/ QUOTE ]

Hello, I just got my braids put in and I started to use the sta-sof-fro (in the brown bottle?) How did that work for you, did you have any buildup and how often did you use it. I love the smell of it and I've notice that it really moisture the hair and the braided hair well. My braided hair is really soft at first they were hard cause its fake hair but that sta-sof-fro made them soft.
I wash with either Dr.Bronner's Peppermint shampoo or Breakthru's Moisturizing shampoo, then I condition it with Suave Humectant Conditioner. It's creamy, so I have to be a little careful. On the days I don't wash, I apply a product called 'Daily Doctor', which is a leave-in conditioner and I oil my scalp with Hot Six Oil or Kemi Oyl. I also apply Lavender oil to my edges and temples to keep the hair from breaking there. I always use human hair extensions because the synthetic hair tends to dry out my hair, plus I love the styling versatility that human hair gives me.