Bedtime routines?


Ok, ok...I'm finally going to get serious, I think, about protective styles. I've been hovering at bsl for awhile and i need to take it to the next level. If the goal is low/no manipulation, does wrapping count? Wrapping before bed keeps it manageable and makes it possible 4 me, to go w/o heat, ie curling irons and flat irons etc in the am. So, 4 u ladies doing protective styles during the day, what's going on with you at night? Also, I have do I keep them from rearing their heads without globs and globs of product? I don't have a lot of styling products ie gel or whatever else people use, I rely on Carol's Daughter alot. I don't want to use anything damaging to keep it all in place. You should see my buns and claw clip styles - by the end of the day I look like I've been in a wind tunnel! It's like my hair is so used to being out it fights that clip to get free! Hence the aversion to protective styles , I suppose.:perplexed Help...
I would probably cross wrap instead of wrapping. I used to be a habitual wrapper and then I realized that this was probably why my edges in the front were shorter/thinner than the rest of my hair.

What I do now is just tie my hair down and put a bonnet on over my ends (Sylver2 does this method), or I'll finger comb my hair back and put two grey magnetic rollers in and then cover with a scarf (I got this method from someone on this site but I forgot their name.) The next day my ends are bumped and my edges are smooth. You can even wear your hair down if you want, using that method.

I'll wrap my hair if I'm going to wear it down for the week. If not, I just put it in a bun with a roller and then put a scarf on.

I wish I could cross wrap, but it doesn't work out for me.
Well, I don't do protective styles :look: but I've been moisturizing, sealing, and putting my hair up in big pincurls overnight. They've been turning out great! :yep: