August 19,20,21...What Are YOUR Weekend Hair Care Plans (Hair Care Edition)

Currently and all day, I've been marinating in sulpher oil.
I will wash hair and do twists for a practice twist out.
I won't DC since I will be using Lacio Lacio, Suave coconut cond., shea butter and grease on twists.
I washed my hair with Wen Fig, Treated my hair with One N Only Restorative Mask, Deep conditioning with Proclaim Argan Oil.

I am thinking to braid it up, and wig it up! :D
Sunday after chilling on the beach for the weekend I will:

Clarify with Suave
Wash with CON green
Protein Tx with Nexxus Emergencee
DC with Giovanni SAS
* added a few pumps of my protein mix and some WGO
Airdry and then be on my way until I CW midweek.

Just now doing this TODAY!