Aphogee Treatment & Relaxer


New Member
I did an Aphogee treatment about a week ago in an attempt to stretch my relaxer ( my goal is 3 months = August19) but I may need to relaxer tomorrow for a special engagement. Will my hair come out jacked up (meaning will the protein affect the relaxer)? How long should you wait after an aphogee treatment. Since I'm trying to stretch for 3 months at a time,I don't want the relaxer to not take. What should I do?
It should be okay. Most protein treatments say to wait atleast 3 days before doing any chemical services on your hair. Here is their number if you want to call them and ask a specialist - 800-851-1555.
I think it should be okay to relax after a week. I've done that before without any problems. I've also used aphogee the day I relax , after using the neutralizing shampoo.

Good Luck!