Advice - Flat Iron Before or After?


Well-Known Member
I just took out my braids and am about 5 months post relaxer. My relaxed hair is fine but my new growth is pretty tangled. I just bought a Sedu flat iron and I wanted to know if you ladies suggest I detangle my new growth first and then flat iron or if I can just go ahead and flat iron it while it is still tangled. Maybe flat ironing the new growth first will make it easier to work with? What do you think? Thanks!
balisi said:
I second that. If you flat iron tangled hair, you will end up with flat tangles.

:lol: :lol: I didn't think of that! Thanks everybody for your repsonses! I guess I was just looking for an easy way out ;) !
Funny before last month I would have said detangle then flat iron. But I found out that flat ironing then detangling leads to significantly less hair loss. It smooths out some of the kinks that would snap during detangling. HTH.
cutebajangirl said:
Funny before last month I would have said detangle then flat iron. But I found out that flat ironing then detangling leads to significantly less hair loss. It smooths out some of the kinks that would snap during detangling. HTH.

Really:yay: :woot: ! That's what my original thought was. So you've done it both ways (detangle then flat iron; flat iron then detangle) and the flat iron then detangle worked best?

I spent no fewer than 8 hours yesterday,taking out my braids, combing each section out really well, washing and conditioning my hair... and I'm still not done!!! I just don't want to have to go home and spend a whole nother evening on my hair!
PrincessAvaya said:
Really:yay: :woot: ! That's what my original thought was. So you've done it both ways (detangle then flat iron; flat iron then detangle) and the flat iron then detangle worked best?

I spent no fewer than 8 hours yesterday,taking out my braids, combing each section out really well, washing and conditioning my hair... and I'm still not done!!! I just don't want to have to go home and spend a whole nother evening on my hair!

Yup after I am done conditioning drying etc. I take a small section and run the flat iron over it, then apply serum and then comb. If needed (rarely) I run the flat iron over it again for appearance sakes.
I always flatiron before detangling. For some reason that just works really well for me. I think as long as you're gentle, you will be fine.