6 Month Progress Checkers? (targeted @ naturals :-D)


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies!

Next month will be my 6th month natural. And it's not that I don't like my shrinkage bc I DO appreciate it...but I don't really know how long my hair is.

I plan on blowing my hair out next month for a length check and maybe a dusting. I've had to snip out like 10 single strand knots (give or take) since I went natural but I'm still kinda worried if I'm making progress.

Hence me only length checking every 6 months to give myself time.

Anybody else only checking every 6 months??
I do it every 3 months, when I take down my weave. I don't full straighten I just blow dry using the tension method and stretch my hair.
Congrats on your 6th month anniversary! Wow time flies. I remember when you were on the fence about cutting your hair or not.

I don't see anything wrong with straightening your hair every few months to check the length. After I did the BC I would keep it curly one week, straight the next. I like versatility and I think that stretching my hair (I do rollersets) helped me grow out my hair.

Like anything else, be very careful with heat and make sure to always DC. Don't straighten your hair if you think its not healthy enough to withstand the heat of a flatiron.
Thanx for the tips y'all. I don't plan on flat ironing until next year maybe.

I just like seeing drastic progress.

Yes auntie Maria it's been almost 6 months already!! Time is SERIOUSLY flying!!
I do a length check every 6 months. My next one is in 6 days and the suspense is killing me!!! I'm going crazy with anticipation! I don't use heat of any kind so I rollerset using bigger rollers and that gets my hair pretty straight. I also give myself a 3/8 inch dusting and mini S+D during this time. Can't wait! HHG
Same here! I only do length checks around June and December.
I also like to see drastic changes.
I only blow out my hair 1 or 2 times a year so I take pictures then to see if there's been any change.

ETA: I don't flat iron at all. But I'm thinking about flat ironing on low instead of doing a blow out.
I am checking every 3 months. :lachen: My situation is kind of different because I cut off color damage when I was natural 5 months in January. On June 24, I will have been relaxer free for a year. Since I suck at straitening my hair, I will measure the length of my twists to gauge my length. This is the longest my natural hair has ever been. I'm hoping to have natural hair long enough to bun before the year is out. :yep: