Is everyone going to reach Mid back or waist length hair EVENTUALLY???


Well-Known Member
I am almost BSL now should be there in MAY(keeping my finger crossed)....But watching all you ladies with long full waist and mid back lengths makes me wonder.... you know I get anxious about my hair and feel like I will probably never have hair that are we all destined to have hair that long...can everyones hair even grow that long....I know every persons hair on this forum is different and we all have different hair goals but ultimately I think we all want longer HEALTHIER hair!!!
It would be interesting to know if there are ladies on this board who actually did the best they can for YEARS and are still not at the length they want to be.....If there are please share!!
Well, not to be stuck up, but I want my waist length or midback and I think I can grow my hair that long.....I just have to stick to a regimen.....and stop using so many products, and I think if a black woman wants long hair she can grow long hair......just takes time and patience.....
No, Because not everyone wants it that long, I personally am only going to grow my hair to mid back just to see if I can, then chop it to full blunt APL and keep it like that, but we'll see I might just fall in love with it super long...
thats a good question. i've been trying to grow my hair for sooooooo long, i started thinking it was impossible. But since i've stopped relaxing,i think my hair can def grow much healthier. I've also stopped trimming so i can actually NOTICE growth. Im alittle worried that my relaxed ends might slow it down but i refuse to bc. i also hope it will get thicker as the natural hair takes over b/c although a V is cute, really thick ends are impressive to me. i hope hope hope i can make it and keep it a hip length sometime in my lifetime ASAP - lol. i think when i PERSONALLY make it after all the drama its been through, i will believe anyone can do it.
I think anyone who wants hair that long can grow it that long. Take care of it, and put the scissors down. There's no reason you can't. Half the people in my family have had WL before and they bunned, moisturized and didn't cut to achieve it. I'll never know if i can because i wouldn't want WL hair - i don't think it's fitting for me, but i love to see it on others!
If you're willing to put in all the work and do everything right, it should grow. I've never had hair longer than it is now, and a part of me doesen't believe that it will ever be long, it's like I can't imagine it. But I'm gonna keep pushing and keep doing what I'm doing and see what happens.
I prefer to keep it real.

Not everyone is going to get it - even if they want it.

What do you think is the minimum length someone can achieve?

Not trying to attack you or anything just curious.

I never wanted hair that long so I never thought about if it was possible, for me anyway.
I prefer to keep it real.

Not everyone is going to get it - even if they want it.

hahaha..why you feel like that sis?

I think that anyone can have it if they let go of some of the things that they do to their hair. I don't think my hair would be this long if I had of continued to use heat all the time which resulted in having to trim more frequently therefore resulting in no retention. Hair is gonna grow regardless but retaining it is something else.
What do you think is the minimum length someone can achieve?

Not trying to attack you or anything just curious.

I never wanted hair that long so I never thought about if it was possible, for me anyway.

Somehow honeydew is right though!!!
I really don't think every person alive can actually achieve mid back length no matter how you baby and take care of it!!!
Somehow honeydew is right though!!!
I really don't think every person alive can actually achieve mid back length no matter how you baby and take care of it!!!

So what length do you think everyone can achieve if they take optimal care of their hair?
You've just got to do the best you can and grow as much as your genetics will allow. I think everyones hair will grow. Will everyone reach tailbone.....probably not. There are many factor that go into this. Genetics plays an important role. Also folks cut there hair a lot here "setbacks". Or they may get board and desire a spunky style. Someone like Flower hair for example has been growing her hair for over a decade and now she's tailbone. Slow and steady is my advice for maximizing the individual's genetics.
What do you think is the minimum length someone can achieve?

Not trying to attack you or anything just curious.

I never wanted hair that long so I never thought about if it was possible, for me anyway.

I just don't think everyone can get hair that long. point blank. I don't try to think too deeply about terminal length or minimum length or anything like that.

Genetics, environment, life changes, hormones, and so many other things have a lot to do with our skin, hair and bodies.

It is like saying that every woman that takes care of her skin to the ultimate degree will have flawless, blemish free, young looking skin. Not happening.

It is like saying the every person that eats clean and works out everyday is going to have the perfect body fat percentage.

I think there are many people that can get really long hair and they don’t realize it. But there are many that try, try, try, and try again – and never get it. Meanwhile they spend many years in protective styles, deep conditioning like there is no tomorrow, never combing their hair, not even letting their man run his finger through it. LOL
Here's what this article says about terminal lengths at To view the full article:

Some people naturally have the ability to grow hair longer than others. This is primarily due to the length of the anagen or growing phase of the hair's life cycle. The average anagen phase is between two and six years; a longer phase simply gives hair more time to grow. During this time the speed of hair growth may vary according to diet, genetics and hormonal changes.

According to Clarence R. Robbins in Chemical and Physical Behavior of Human Hair (Springer, 2002), most humans can grow their hair as long as 100-150cm(39.4 - 59.1 inches)

Although it is common for people to state their hair 'doesn't grow' beyond shoulder-length or a similarly short terminal length, this is in fact very rare. Damaging haircare practices may result in so much damage and breakage that hair tapers dramatically; however, this does not indicate true terminal length. False terminal length may also be caused by resting periods in the hair's growth, or by previous haircuts which have already consumed the lifespan (and thus length) of a large number of hairs. Long hair experts recommend waiting a year or two from the point when the hair appears to stop growing, while using gentle hair care practices and maintaining good nutrition, before deciding that it has truly achieved its terminal length

So, According to this article on average a healthy woman should be able to reach MBL or WL
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I should be mid-back length before June. I won't stop until I reach waist length

I personally think anyone and everyone can achieve MBL and beyond. Some people will SAY they are dedicated to their regimen but aren't. Some others simply don't want the hassle of super long hair.

I like to compare hair to maintaining a certain weight - you can't get to either goal without commitment, dedication and consistency.
If you're willing to do whatever it takes to get there, I think you can get to MBL at least. To be honest, most people aren't willing to do whatever it takes because long hair is often not the goal in and of itself. People want it to be a certain way, look & feel a certain way, etc.
I should be mid-back length before June. I won't stop until I reach waist length

I personally think anyone and everyone can achieve MBL and beyond. Some people will SAY they are dedicated to their regimen but aren't. Some others simply don't want the hassle of super long hair.

I like to compare hair to maintaining a certain weight - you can't get to either goal without commitment, dedication and consistency.

The bold is not true since the length of the Anagen phase (that's the growing phase of the cycle) determines how long your hair can grow...and most people do not grow an inch a month. At the average growth rate of 1/2 an inch a month, someone's whose growth phase lasts only 2 years would have 12 inches of growth in that time before the hair started to shed. If they retained it all, that would mean they'd probably be at BSL, or very close for a tall person. So I think the realistic thing is to say, that unless there is ill health, at least BSL is possible for just about everyone...since 2 years is about the shortest an Anagen phase can last. Now if you are one of those lucky to have a 6-year-long Anagen phase or a faster growth rate, then you might be sitting on your hair in a few years.
I think everyone will be healthy and most everyone will be APL. A few will choose BSL and even fewer Waist. Until last weekends beauty shop trip I only wanted to be Waist length. But I seen a teenager with beautiful hip length hair and fell in love. I am one inch from BSL and will be there next time I relax (June 2009). Now my goal is to find out where my terminal length is. Hopefully not above waist :perplexed.
When I joined my only goal was full SL. I will be happy with APL, but I'm going for WL just to see if I can accomplish it. I think anyone can, it just takes a while to learn what techniques & products are best for the individual.
am I the only one on this board who DOES NOT want mid back or waist length hair??

Thats too long for me. I prefer APL, or the absolute longest would be bra strap length.
So you guys don't believe in the genetics theory? Whenever I mention growing my hair to my thighs someone mentions that genes will determine if I can grow it that long. In fact someone told me that I had a lot of nerve misleading Black women into thinking that they can grow it that long. LOL

Personally I do think that depending on genes our hair can be weak or have something that keeps it from growing long due to a lack of nutrients. But with patience and giving your hair what it needs; I think many of us can eventually reach long lengths.