Is HENNA really worth it?

Is Henna Really Worth It?

  • Yes, I am natural and have seen many benefits for my hair.

    Votes: 117 15.5%
  • No, I am natural and it was too much work for minimal benefits.

    Votes: 16 2.1%
  • Yes, I am relaxed and have seen many benefits for my hair.

    Votes: 131 17.4%
  • No, I am relaxed and it was too much work for minimal benefits.

    Votes: 24 3.2%
  • I dont know. I have never used henna.

    Votes: 465 61.8%

  • Total voters
I can't speak for anyone else, but henna has been really good for my hair. I know some may argue that you might could get similar results with a protein treatment, but not for me. This has made my hair stronger, fuller, and all around healthier. I think I'm a hennahead for life.

What brand of Henna do you use? Where do you get it?
I use the BAQ for AA hair on

How often do you do your treatments?

Roughly 1x every two weeks or so

What if anything do you add to your henna?
I add EVOO and honey after letting the dye release (and sometimes, I don't wait for dye release since I'm not using it specifically to color my hair).

What benefits have you seen in your hair?
It's stronger first and foremost. Very soft. I find I retain more length now. It makes my hair appear fuller/thicker. It gives it a nice color. I have less shedding. It gives nice curl definition, but I'll admit I'm not exactly thrilled with the loosening effect it gives my curls in the back of my head (I have a looser texture there). It makes my hair shiny, too. I'm used to just having sheen, but when I henna, people always tell me how shiny my hair is or say I look like I have some kind of halo-effect going on.

How long have you been doing Henna Treatments?
I can tell you the exact date I started August 2, 2008. LOL.

What is your hair type?
What brand of Henna do you use? Where do you get it?
I buy my Henna loose from a reputable healthfood store. I weigh it and bag it into enough quantities for each application. It works out much cheaper than the boxes from Asian stores and the quality is much better.

How often do you do your treatments?
I did my first Hendigo in September and my second last weekend. I plan on doing it every month to 6wks.

What if anything do you add to your henna?
I usually just add plain boiled water, but added conditioner to the Indigo dye the last time. This helped by counteracting the protein content in the Indigo. I don't add ACV or lemon juice because I read that it can dry out your hair. Leaving the henna mixture overnight to release the dye works for me.

What benefits have you seen in your hair?
My hair is stronger, hardly any breakage just a few shed strands. I love the colour and the last batch I bought gave me a lovely deep copper red colour. I like the thicker and silky feel to my hair, without feeling coated. Combined with Ayurveda I have seen my hair go from strength to strength in the last 3mths than in the last year.

How long have you been doing Henna Treatments?
A couple of months but plan to do it monthly once I have done the 3rd application to cover my grey hairs.

What is your hair type?
Fine 4a

Do you have any additional henna info that you think is helpful?

Try not to let the Henna dry out, its a b***h to wash out. Keep it as near to the constituency of baby food or yoghurt as you can. It seems real messy at first and long-winded but the benefits are well worth the effort. My second application was easier because I knew what I was doing. Sifting beforehand and adding a moisturising conditioner helps to remove the henna more easily as well as moisturising your hair. Always do a DC after the Hendigo.

Visit Hennaforhair, it offers good advice. Buy from a reputable supplier to avoid synthetic and metallic ingredients which contain PPD which can cause liver disease and other unpleasant illnesses.

Visit Youtube there is a lot of information and how to advice there.

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I'm going to try Henna today.:look: I'm using the Jamilla brand and will follow up with Indigo. Wish me luck!
I finally started doing Henna+Indigo. I wouldn't have been able to do it if it weren't for the wonderful advice and help I received from ladies on the board. My hair looks naturally black and beautiful. It looks extremely healthy. I will never use that chemical dye crap again.

Best thing is: My white and blue bathroom is still white and blue. It's not as messy as you think ladies. I love my hair and my clean, unstained bathroom!
Question: If you use henna can u still use color rinses like color showers?

I have never used color showers. I don't know if you would still need to use another colorant if you are using henna/indigo unless you wanted some other color that wasn't red, brown or black.
Question: If you use henna can u still use color rinses like color showers?

Hi natstar, I do sometimes when I'm too lazy to do my 2-step Henna + Indigo treatment. I do however love the 2 step hendigo coloring a whole lot better than using the rinses. The color is a lot more sustainable to me than the rinses. So go right on ahead, it is safe as long as you are using rinses that are ammonia and peroxide-free.
Oh by the way, I think I will be hennaing my hair tomorrow anyways:yep:. My grays are showing like crazy now:grin:.
and Aggie is really correct on that one! When you are using the full henna and indigo product and not diluting it too much you get the best color results that way.
I don't do hard core henna, just the occasional 20 minutes of henna and ayurvedic herbal blends for conditioning. It does seem to help with strengthening my hair. Color is not my objective, so I can't comment on henna as a colorant. That process is a little more complex than I can mange right now.
relaxed 4a/b here, got my henna @

i didn't make a whole paste outta mine cause 1, i didn't want red tint and 2, as hard as my hair got afterwards there was no way i'd make a whole batch! it looks thick and hard to wash out!

all i did was add like 2 or 3 tablespoons of henna to some homemade conditioner and steam it in. kept it up for like 2 months. Never got the shine, the thickness, nothing. Only hard hair. Took a month to get the softness back.

I think it might be cause henna is said to act like a protein, and i cant handle a lot
I think I polled in this some time a long while ago, but I feel it needs reiterating again. I quit using henna for a while because I noticed it was making my hair very red. But I started using it again about 2 months ago because I bought henna with indigo powder mixed in it, and I'm in love with it all over again. The shine factor with it is ridiculous and it leaves my hair feeling strong afterward.
relaxed 4a/b here, got my henna @

i didn't make a whole paste outta mine cause 1, i didn't want red tint and 2, as hard as my hair got afterwards there was no way i'd make a whole batch! it looks thick and hard to wash out!

all i did was add like 2 or 3 tablespoons of henna to some homemade conditioner and steam it in. kept it up for like 2 months. Never got the shine, the thickness, nothing. Only hard hair. Took a month to get the softness back.

I think it might be cause henna is said to act like a protein, and i cant handle a lot

Hey me-T, did you wrap your hair with some saran wrap and foil after applying the henna? My henna never turns hard like you say becasue I wrap mine in the plastic, foil paper, and put a turbie towel over it to keep it warm and moist for 3-4 hours, then wash out slowly with cheapie conditioner.
Hey me-T, did you wrap your hair with some saran wrap and foil after applying the henna? My henna never turns hard like you say becasue I wrap mine in the plastic, foil paper, and put a turbie towel over it to keep it warm and moist for 3-4 hours, then wash out slowly with cheapie conditioner.

hmm...maybe that's the prob. i just slapped it in like a regular conditioner and put on one of those heat steam cap thingys (samantha's steam method is better btw!). i left in it for maybe 30 minutes.
hmm...maybe that's the prob. i just slapped it in like a regular conditioner and put on one of those heat steam cap thingys (samantha's steam method is better btw!). i left in it for maybe 30 minutes.

I wrap my henna head in saran wrap, then a silk scarf and go to sleep.. I wash it out in the morning. Ive never tried it with heat before.
read that link. i am just reeeally at a loss to how folks are gettin soft hair w/ this stuff.
read that link. i am just reeeally at a loss to how folks are gettin soft hair w/ this stuff.

I must say for sure that having a water filter has helped me achieve very soft results after my henna treatments:yep:.
so you're sayin my water is too hard for henna? hmm... what if i do a "henna wash"-mix henna w/ a chelating poo? do a good steam dc afterward?

(dumb i know, just throwin somethin out there
so you're sayin my water is too hard for henna? hmm... what if i do a "henna wash"-mix henna w/ a chelating poo? do a good steam dc afterward?

(dumb i know, just throwin somethin out there

I'm not sure about the softness about your water but all I know is when I finally got one installed in my shower, it has made a tremendous difference in the condition of my hair. I clarified my hair often before installing the filter but still my hair did not come out soft like it did afterwards. Now I can't go back to not having one.
I'm not sure about the softness about your water but all I know is when I finally got one installed in my shower, it has made a tremendous difference in the condition of my hair. I clarified my hair often before installing the filter but still my hair did not come out soft like it did afterwards. Now I can't go back to not having one.

I bought a shower filter and has been helpful..
Can any one recommend a ayurvedic/ natural mix that will detangle and restore slip?

Thanks in advance

Hmmm, check out my fotki for my fenugreek tea rinse. This has given me quite a bit of slip. I add it to my henna mixes and many other ayurveda powder glosses, etc for the softening effects it provides. HTH.