Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge 10/1/13-12/31/13


Well-Known Member

REMEMBER: No hiding your hair! No wigs, no weaves, no extensions, etc.

This challenge is for twist, braids, and buns on your own hair. Using these low manipulation and protective styles, we aim to retain the growth we achieve over a three month period.

Twists: 2 strand twists, flat twists, 2 strand flat twists, 3 strand twists, coils, bantu knots

Braids: Box braids & mini braids on your hair, plaits, cornrows, french braids, etc.

Buns: Any kind of bun or updo. We want our ends to be protected and tucked away!


2. Your hair must be in twist, braids or bunned for at least 5 consecutive days.
3. You can wear your hair out for up to 3 days after taking your twists out (like in twist-outs, afros, wash and go, etc). [If you need to amend your restyling time, let us know in your initial post! A 3-day turnaround may not be feasible for your schedule and lifestyle.]
4. Check in when you restyle your hair, or at least every 2 weeks since the challenge is short.
5. When you restyle give us an update. (regimen, style, moisturizing secrets, etc.)
6. Post a picture of your hair at the beginning of the challenge and at the end.
7. The challenge will be from October 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013.
8. You will have 1 pass during the challenge to cover you for a week.
9. Heat is allowed in this challenge. Be sure to use a heat protectant and the lowest setting possible for your hair. Remember to be careful! We do not want to damage our hair for the styling purposes of this challenge.

REMEMBER: No hiding your hair! No wigs, no weaves, no extensions, etc.

Feel free to join at any time.


Join the Challenge by Sharing:

1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning, etc.)?
2. What is your style maintenance regimen?
3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning?
4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge?
5. Will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days?
6. Include Starting Pic. (You will not be an official challenger without one).

You may join the challenge any time you are ready! It does not have to be on October 1. It's never too late to join!!!

We look forward to cooperative learning. Post your questions, frustrations, and trials. Share any tips that you may have to make this challenge more effective for all of us! We look forward to hearing your tips, suggestions, and questions. Also please post pics of your styles to give others inspiration!


Happy Hair Growing Ladies! Let's end this year with wonderful growth.

Official Challengers

UnOfficial Challengers
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1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning, etc.)?
My primary styles are 2 strand twists and flat twists.

2. What is your style maintenance regimen?
...Prepoo with an oil blend 30 minutes or more before shampoo
...Shampoo with Mudwash, AIA Cleansing Pudding or 4Naturals shampoo
...Mild protein treatment every 2 to 3 weeks
...Tea rinse (green tea or herbal tea)
...DC with AO Conditioner for 30 minutes, preferably with a heat cap
...Rinse and baggy for 15 minutes
...Apply AIA Leave-in
...Spritz with diluted S-Curl
...Apply Moisturizer or heavy cream
...Twist with twist cream; seal ends with shea butter blend
---Oil scalp/crown daily with oil blend
---1 minute scalp massages daily
---Spritz hair with tea rinse 2x a day

3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning?

4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge?
Retain Length; Would like to be full SL by December

5. Will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days?
2 days

6. Include Starting Pic.
Pictures are from July. My hair has not grown or retained much since then. If I take pictures this month, I will repost.



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I'm in. Just washed and put in medium twist that's now up in a bun.

1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning, etc.)? 2 strand twist - medium in a bun

2. What is your style maintenance regimen?
I will wash ever 2 weeks and deep condition. Oil scalp with JBCO every night, take down bun every 2-3 days to get a good scalp massage and M&S. I may re twist the edges every week depending on how they look.

3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning?

4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? Retention

5. Will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days? 3 days

6. Include Starting Pic. (You will not be an official challenger without one).
starting pic


Current twist

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I'm in!

1. Primary style is 2-strand twists but I have a newfound love for braids as well.


I twist with a shea aloe mix:

2. I M&S nightly (Liquid, Cream, Butter), cowash semi-weekly, DC weekly, mud wash biweekly, henna monthly.

3. I'm natural
4. Hoping to get to MBL by the end of the year (that's a lofty goal, especially since I'm a slow grower)
5. Will restyle after 2 days
6. Today's LC (BSL):

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF


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I'm in! I joined every challenge under the sun when I first joined this site, this is the only one I've stuck with continuously...

Welcome back to hosting! :yep:

1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning, etc.)?
primary style - twists. I sometimes bun or braid but less frequently than twists.
2. What is your style maintenance regimen?
I usually wash weekly and condition (rinse out), I don't deep condition as often as I mean to, so deep conditioning is only sporadic.
3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning?
I am almost 3 years natural after 30 years of relaxing (wooohooo)
4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge?
I hope to achieve ease of styling, thickening of hair and length would be a plus.
5. Will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days?
When I take down the twists I will restyle after 3 days
6. Include Starting Pic. (You will not be an official challenger without one).
starting pic
pic added below


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Last year October (2012) when I first joined this challenge: That right side section has grown from collarbone to below armpit, about 4 inches. I started using the nape as my official check soon after this pic.


February 2013


September 2013

What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning, etc.)? Twists in a bun or pinned up.

2. What is your style maintenance regimen? I am definitely retaining with this regimen. My new regimen will include rollersetting every two to three weeks and a protein treatment with Komaza Protein Strengthener every 4 - 5 weeks. I still shampoo about twice a month, cocleanse the alternate weeks, Dc weekly with my Hair Therapy Wrap, use the LCO/B method, moisturize and seal every other day. I massage my scalp with sulfur oil every other day as well.

3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? Natural

4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? Retention. I want two more inches by December.

5. Will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days? 2 days.

6. Include Starting Pic. (You will not be an official challenger without one). See above.
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1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning, etc.)? Bunning

2. What is your style maintenance regimen? I shampoo/DC/blow dry/flat iron about every 2 weeks, sometimes longer or shorter depending on my schedule and whether or not my scalp is itchy. I seal my ends with castor oil.

3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? Natural

4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? Better length retention

5. Will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days? I don't really take breaks between styles. Sometimes I will take my bun down and wear my hair out for a few hours, but not for days.

6. Include Starting Pic. (You will not be an official challenger without one). No pics. I'm tired of taking pictures of my hair. Maybe I'll add one when I finally get to hip length.
1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning, etc.)? Twists!
2. What is your style maintenance regimen? Twists in for a month wash every two weeks or as needed depending on how i think my hair and scalp are feeling
3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? natural
4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? length and health. length and health
5. Will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days? ill probably leave my hair out max for two days unless i have some type of event going on
6. Include Starting Pic. (You will not be an official challenger without one).

i straightened my hair only to promptly twist it right back up lol.

faithVA updated!


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1. What is your primary style? Twists and Buns

2. What is your style maintenance regimen?
I am going to keep my twists for no longer than 3-4 weeks with a cowash/DC/oil rinse once my hair is loose and shampooing once every other time my hair is loose.

I will stretch my hair with banding after an LCO [water, conditioner, castor oil], perhaps do a low heat tension blow dry for the ends, and bun for a week in between twisting sessions.

I am working on reducing the SSK's at my ends, so keeping them stretched and moisturized at the same time for as much as I can is the goal, that's why I will not be cowashing my hair while in twists anymore, and will be using the low heat blow dry occasionally.

I will moisturize and seal daily with a little castor oil, and I am trying to find a good leave-in conditioner since I can't really use water anymore with my ends curling up as they do to form knots. My hair does not like protein that much, so it can be in the leave-in, but further down in the ingredient list. Any suggestions ladies?

3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? Natural

4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? More length retention. 1.5 inches is the goal for me.

5. Will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days? 3 days

6. Include Starting Pic. It is below!:yep::yep::yep:

This will be my first challenge and I hope I keep the motivation to stick with it!!!

1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning, etc.)?
My primary styles will be twists, bunning, and pin ups.

2. What is your style maintenance regimen?
Co-wash weekly, deep condition (or some type of hair treatment ) every two weeks, and protein treatment every 4 to 6 weeks.

3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning?

4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge?
I hope to achieve thickness and length.

5. Will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days?
2 days

6. Include Starting Pic. (You will not be an official challenger without one).
Pics attached


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Welcome ladies. Today is the official first day of this phase of the challenge. Let the growth and retention begin :grin:
1. What is your primary style? Twists and Buns

2. What is your style maintenance regimen?
I am going to keep my twists for no longer than 3-4 weeks with a cowash/DC/oil rinse once my hair is loose and shampooing once every other time my hair is loose.

I will stretch my hair with banding after an LCO [water, conditioner, castor oil], perhaps do a low heat tension blow dry for the ends, and bun for a week in between twisting sessions.

I am working on reducing the SSK's at my ends, so keeping them stretched and moisturized at the same time for as much as I can is the goal, that's why I will not be cowashing my hair while in twists anymore, and will be using the low heat blow dry occasionally.

I will moisturize and seal daily with a little castor oil, and I am trying to find a good leave-in conditioner since I can't really use water anymore with my ends curling up as they do to form knots. My hair does not like protein that much, so it can be in the leave-in, but further down in the ingredient list. Any suggestions ladies?

3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? Natural

4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? More length retention. 1.5 inches is the goal for me.

5. Will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days? 3 days

6. Include Starting Pic. It is below!:yep::yep::yep:

Oyin Hair Dew is a great moisturizer, especially for layering during the winter months or LOC method.
So first day had a little hiccup with heavy sealing :lol:. So I poo'd, added condish, detangled, and put my hair in 2 braids. Nothing can go wrong with this style, so I'm very excited to get several good hair days :grin:.
I'm going to be lightly blow drying my hair before I twist or practice braiding my hair. I'm going to be working out more so this is a great challenge for me. I am using the Loreal Paris Total Repair line and my natural hair loves it! I am going to be using my Qhemet line until it is gone. I think it's time to get the locally available Shea Moisture. No more online. This is the real challenge for me.:perplexed
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Back with official starting pic


Is my home made length shirt is a lill off? The first solid line is APL, the second is BSL

:-( I was already thinking I was APL.
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[USER=265874 said:
ojemba[/USER];19039107]Back with official starting pic

View attachment 227757

Is my home made length shirt is a lill off? The first solid line is APL, the second is BSL

:-( I was already thinking I was APL.

Your shirt is a little off. You are APL. That line starts far below APL on you.
Your shirt is a little off. You are APL. That line starts far below APL on you.

faithVA I wear my bra really low but looking at the lines I'm thinking :nono: that cant be right.

I had a minor set back this week.

I bleached my top front of my hair and the ends looked darker so I reapplied the bleach to the ends attempting to get it the same color as the rest.

WELL!!! the ends turned a greenish/gray color. I attempted to color the ends with a Dark and Lovely Box Color but it didn't change. So I cut it off. :perplexed Thank God it was only the ends. So I'll definetly be staying in twist until it's grows some more.

I know it will never be as long as the rest but I think it will look ok. Kind of a layered look
[USER=265874 said:
ojemba[/USER];19039845]faithVA I wear my bra really low but looking at the lines I'm thinking :nono: that cant be right.

I had a minor set back this week.

I bleached my top front of my hair and the ends looked darker so I reapplied the bleach to the ends attempting to get it the same color as the rest.

WELL!!! the ends turned a greenish/gray color. I attempted to color the ends with a Dark and Lovely Box Color but it didn't change. So I cut it off. :perplexed Thank God it was only the ends. So I'll definetly be staying in twist until it's grows some more.

I know it will never be as long as the rest but I think it will look ok. Kind of a layered look

If you look at your picture, APL is where the V is under your armpit. Even if you were to lower your arms, your armpit wouldn't be that low. The first line on your shirt is probably BSB (Below Shoulder Blade) and the line below that is probably BSL. So you look APL and are close to BSB.
On Friday I will join this challenge. I'm getting a keratin therapy treatment and have to wait 3 days before I can do anything to my hair.

How do I do the twistout bun without a ponytail holder?
[USER=351719 said:
mensa[/USER];19041909]On Friday I will join this challenge. I'm getting a keratin therapy treatment and have to wait 3 days before I can do anything to my hair.

How do I do the twistout bun without a ponytail holder?

You may have to wait until a few more ladies join to get your question answered.

Look forward to having you in the challenge.
1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning, etc.)?

2. What is your style maintenance regimen?
Wash once a week, oil rinse, deep condition. Braids will be kept in 3-4 weeks at a time.

3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning?
Color-treated natural

4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge?
Length retention

5. Will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days?
3 days

6. Include Starting Pic. (You will not be an official challenger without one).

**I discovered after I took these pictures that I have a tripod. :lol: My final update pics will be better.**
