I switched MSM brands and now I'm having the Vivid dreams!!!!!!

Brownshugaz said:
where do you get MSM creme?

I got it at Whole Foods, the same place I bought the MSM powder.

You know, I never thought about using the cream on my scalp...hmmmmm. I think it may be time for an experiment! :lol:
I've been taking the powder for a week, last night as far as I can recall is the first time I had a "vivid dream". It was wild. Hope that means this is working. I haven't noticed anything else yet...maybe a subtle change in skin but nothing for the hair which is to be expected.
senimoni said:
I've been taking the powder for a week, last night as far as I can recall is the first time I had a "vivid dream". It was wild. Hope that means this is working. I haven't noticed anything else yet...maybe a subtle change in skin but nothing for the hair which is to be expected.

Everyone taking the powdered version...how do you take it? Do you mix it into a drink or food?

Does it have a bad taste? Do you think it's more potent than capsules??
RabiaElaine said:
Everyone taking the powdered version...how do you take it? Do you mix it into a drink or food?

Does it have a bad taste? Do you think it's more potent than capsules??

i mix it in my water i dont feel the taste of it sometimes bitter but more like u put a little lemon in it. i m used to the taste now. i dont like it in my orange juice it changes the taste to really bitter water is best:)
RabiaElaine said:
Everyone taking the powdered version...how do you take it? Do you mix it into a drink or food?

Does it have a bad taste? Do you think it's more potent than capsules??
I don't mix mine with anything. I just dump it in my mouth and drink some water. The taste only last for a few seconds. I'd rather do this than mix it with something. I'm pretty sure the powder is more potent than the capsules.
RabiaElaine said:
Everyone taking the powdered version...how do you take it? Do you mix it into a drink or food?

Does it have a bad taste? Do you think it's more potent than capsules??

I was doing it with Juice but that just makes it worse, I either put it in alot of water so I can barely taste it or I will dump it in a cup of warm flavored tea and its not so noticable then. In fact with green tea I forget its there, so I'm sticking with the tea, I need to drink more anyway.
Allandra said:
I don't mix mine with anything. I just dump it in my mouth and drink some water. The taste only last for a few seconds. I'd rather do this than mix it with something. I'm pretty sure the powder is more potent than the capsules.

I do the same thing.

Allandra 16323 post! no wonder your hair is so long.

I would probably try Allandra's version of taking it.

When I'm done with my bottle I'll try the powdered version.

Which powdered brands are you ladies taking??

I think Ekomba, you're taking Carlson, I tried looking for it in the vitamin shoppe they didn't have it.
And Allandra I see you're taking Vitamin Shoppe brand
RabiaElaine said:

I would probably try Allandra's version of taking it.

When I'm done with my bottle I'll try the powdered version.

Which powdered brands are you ladies taking??

I think Ekomba, you're taking Carlson, I tried looking for it in the vitamin shoppe they didn't have it.And Allandra I see you're taking Vitamin Shoppe brand

Yes RabiaElaine :p its the Carlson MSM Sulfur powder from Vitamin Shoppe .the powder form is way more effective and concentrated than the capsules (you get a way larger amount in a single teaspoon) but i never found it in the stores only at their website. Here s the direct link to it its $12.12 i generally buy 2 of these at a time so i have time before i run out:
Wow I thought it was just me. I thought it was my bed that wasnt allowing me to sleep the whole night and waking me up around 4:30 but now i think it could be the MSM. I switched beds and was still having the problem sometimes but it was better, now that i think about it everything stopped when i stopped taking the MSM. I was taking 4000 mg. I was taking it either at 7am or at 6-7pm. I was also having the dreams. This is helpful cuz atleast now I know what the issue was. lol I was ready to go purchase a whole new bed for no reason.
I just happened to peak in this thread to see what was going on! I've been having the same issues.

I started taking MSM two days ago (I've taken it before, and can't honestly said I remember whether dreams were a factor then). Anyway, I've been taking 4000mg in a shake, either in the morning or at night. My dreams have been sooooooo real, and long. The first night, it was a dream about some of my day to day stress. Last night, I had a dream that I self-relaxed and not only did my hair come out, but I was bleeding and there was puss everywhere. I woke up feeling through my head :lol: .

Yeah, I'm not sure if there's a link at all, but it's a heck of a coincidence. I'll have to stop back in here when my stress goes away :look: and I'm still taking MSM.
MizaniMami said:
Girl we have been twin lately!:eek: I cannot stay sleep either. I am going to take Isis' advice and not take mines too late.

I don't like having these vivid dreams. Because my dreams always reflect my worried/insecurities in my life and the present time. And I find myself dreaming about the deaths of loved ones and being back stabbed...:ohwell:[/QUOTE]

Hey MizaniMami that s really interesting what you said about the signification of your dreams. Mine are very vivid and real but i never remember them once i m really awake. i need to write them down. i was intrigued by what you wrote cause Gary Zukav also talked about the signification of dreams as messages and you may keep getting the same message in dreams until you get it else the dream wont change until u get it. hope it helps girl;) i m quote exactly what he said about dreams as messages:

"Dreams provide you with information that your soul wants you to have at the time that you dreamed them. They are not meant to frighten you, but to inform you of something that is relevant in a deep way to your life as it is unfolding in that moment. If you write your dreams throughout one particular night, and examine each of them carefully, you will see that each of them conveys the same message in a different way. Your dreams on any particular night will continue to convey that same message until you understand that message. Then your dreams will change. This happens every night."

I really need to start writing my dreams down lol and see what my lucid subconscient wants me to know hum
Ok so my latest vivid dream almost made me late to work today!!!!!

I dreamt that I lost my pocketbook. And stayed in the dream (even though I somehow knew that it was time for me to wake up) because I wanted to find my bag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lachen: :lachen:

I need help!
RabiaElaine said:
Ok so my latest vivid dream almost made me late to work today!!!!!

I dreamt that I lost my pocketbook. And stayed in the dream (even though I somehow knew that it was time for me to wake up) because I wanted to find my bag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lachen: :lachen:

I need help!
:lachen: I hope you found it!!:lol:
I've started having the dreams too. I gradually started the MSM and at 1,000 mgs I did not notice any impact on my sleep/dreams. (I normally don't even remember my dreams.) When I doubled the dose, I started remembering my dreams. The memory of them sometimes comes to me a few times a day. The dreams are not always pleasant. Often they are about worries that I have becoming reality.
This is day three of my adding MSM to my regimen...and I had the MOST vivid dream last night. It was the SADEST dream that I ever had! When I woke up, I had to wipe tears from my eyes!:crying3: The emotions I had felt so real...I don't know how else to explain it. I'm still going to take them..but I had not experienced anything like that in so long!
ekomba said:
MizaniMami said:
Girl we have been twin lately!:eek: I cannot stay sleep either. I am going to take Isis' advice and not take mines too late.

I don't like having these vivid dreams. Because my dreams always reflect my worried/insecurities in my life and the present time. And I find myself dreaming about the deaths of loved ones and being back stabbed...:ohwell:[/QUOTE]

Hey MizaniMami that s really interesting what you said about the signification of your dreams. Mine are very vivid and real but i never remember them once i m really awake. i need to write them down. i was intrigued by what you wrote cause Gary Zukav also talked about the signification of dreams as messages and you may keep getting the same message in dreams until you get it else the dream wont change until u get it. hope it helps girl;) i m quote exactly what he said about dreams as messages:

"Dreams provide you with information that your soul wants you to have at the time that you dreamed them. They are not meant to frighten you, but to inform you of something that is relevant in a deep way to your life as it is unfolding in that moment. If you write your dreams throughout one particular night, and examine each of them carefully, you will see that each of them conveys the same message in a different way. Your dreams on any particular night will continue to convey that same message until you understand that message. Then your dreams will change. This happens every night."

I really need to start writing my dreams down lol and see what my lucid subconscient wants me to know hum

Yes, Zukav says that our dreams are letters from our soul.
Earlier this month when i saw the title of this post, I thought you all were "TOO CUCKOO FOR COCOA PUFFS!!!!!"

Then this week i bumped my MSM from 1,000 mg to 2,000 mg (pill form) and I'm having FITS in my sleep.
All my worries, dreams, frustrations, hopes and fears are vividly coming to me when I go to bed.
THANK God I'm not waking up from them.
But i feel very emotional in my dreams.
The theme i've noticed is i'm lost or trapped. Can't get home. Can't find my way. I'm stranded!!!!

I've been too satisfied with my 1,000 mg progress so I need to stick with the 2,000 and see what happens.
But this dream stuff is for the BIRDS!
I wanted to know how much of the powder msm to take. I've been using my powder in my conditioners because I was afraid to drink it. I tried a bit in my water and spat it out. 5 minutes later I felt a burst of energy that shocked me. I will be taking the powder form Allandra's way. How often to take it? I have Vit. Shoppe's version.Do you have to take it with food or does it matter?
Hey Guys:

I have just started taking the MSM powder by Vitamin Shoppe and it actually isn't that bad. I put a teaspoon in my drink in the am and I am ready to the rest of the day. I work out and I have gotten good about drinking my water now..

My question is 1 teaspoon enough and when should I increase it?
CantBeCopied said:
Girl, Vitamin Shoppe ain't no joke! I switched to another brand "Ultra Botanicals" (or something like that) because I missed the buy one get one free sale at Vitamin Shoppe/World and it is NOT the SAME! My skin feels different, isn't as flawless, my system is not operating the same and I am taking a lot more.

WOW!! I think I'm going to invest in buying the Vitamin Shoppe brand of msm. While the Trimedica brand of msm that I'm taking now has been doing me well (painless joints, better/smoother skin), I haven't been experiencing the "dreams" you guys are raving about. I've been taking MSM for about 3 months and have NEVER experienced dreams "out of the ordinary".

I think the next brand of msm I will buy will be from vitamin shoppe. That's the powder form in the dark blue tub right??
My last vivd dream was last night...I was pregnant:eek: ! My parents were furious (I'm not married) but didn't throw me out or anything like that. The guilt made me feel awful for disappointing them. It felt soooooo real.
Bella_Ballerina said:
Yes, Zukav says that our dreams are letters from our soul.

One of my many vivid dreams was of me having an affair with one of my co-worker. :look: :confused: :eek:

I so DON'T want him so I don't know where that came from. Ok, well, I do find myself checking out his body sometimes, but that's it.
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Crystalicequeen123 said:
WOW!! I think I'm going to invest in buying the Vitamin Shoppe brand of msm. While the Trimedica brand of msm that I'm taking now has been doing me well (painless joints, better/smoother skin), I haven't been experiencing the "dreams" you guys are raving about. I've been taking MSM for about 3 months and have NEVER experienced dreams "out of the ordinary".

I think the next brand of msm I will buy will be from vitamin shoppe. That's the powder form in the dark blue tub right??

I threw the Trimedica out. I bought some from Vitamin Shoppe yesterday because I was out of my Jarrow brand. It was so nasty. The jarrow brand is bitter, but that Trimedica stuff taste the way DMSO smells.

I did not like that!!

I know now that all of these different powders must be different! I am going to stick with the Jarrow or even maybe try the Vitamin Shoppe brand next.