Will my hair break?...Relaxer?


New Member
Hi Ladies,
I relax my hair Every 2 or 3 months. My last relaxe was in january. But this time ill like to stretch it till july. Will I have breakage?


New Member
Not necessarily. You will have to treat your hair gently, deep condition regularly, and choose styling that will be easy on your hair (braid outs come to mind). It is easier to just add 1 month or so to your stretch at a time though. I slowly worked my way up to 6 months from 2 months. Try shooting for 4 months, then after that you can evaluate whether or not you want to try for 5 months.


New Member
It depends on your maintenance. There are plenty of women on here who only relax twice a year, or something like that. If you keep your line of demarcation (the point whetr both textures meet) well taken care of I think you'll be fine. Plus, if you think it's a tough order you can always braid or weave it up to protect your hair.