why not the same brand


Well-Known Member
ok i was thinking the other day. why wont i just stick to the same brand? just one brand of products? heres the thing. there are just certain products that i have not tried and i dont even want to try.
for instance i love humecto by keracare but i wouldnt use the whole line because i dont even want to try the reconstructor or the leave in.
i love The Wash by paul mitchell but i wouldnt use his whole line because i dont think he has a deep conditioner and i dont want to try his reconstructors either.
so im forced to have so many different products from different lines sitting in my stand.

so i guess my question is why dont you just stick to one line
I don't stick to one line for the same reason that you don't....:lachen:

There are some products from a particular line that I do and don't like. Not all lines have great products throughout their entire line. But I do like the Kenra line of products. But I only use their poos and condish. I don't even know what other products they have.
i feel you i wanted to find that ONE line so all my products would match:spinning:- i know i'm special- but i couldnt i'm kinda proud to say that i have narowed it to 3 lines: joico, NTM and Chi (with a few miscellaneous):nono:
^^^^^ i wish i only had three lines. i would be proud too.
but i have:
paul mitchell
and dominican products like miss key and salerm 21.

but i love them all.
and thats not to mention the cheapies for co washing
Hair is like us, unique. One line of product can't possibly satisfy all of your hair needs. Variety is the spice to life baby, so dibble and dabble in all flavors! (did that have anything to do with the thread topic???):blush: