
Well-Known Member
I know most people whip up a batch of shea butter, but I am interested in those who have had experience whipping up PURE cocoa butter?

What do you use it for? skin? hair?

What oils do you add?
I know most people whip up a batch of shea butter, but I am interested in those who have had experience whipping up PURE cocoa butter?

What do you use it for? skin? hair?

What oils do you add?

It has been a few years or so, but I think I only used it on my ends initially, but then I started using it on my feet too :look: Smelled like chocolate!

As for other oils, I "think" that it may have been jojoba, evoo and/or some castor. I have been thinking about doing this again for winter.
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I am not a big fan of shea butter. My hair doesn't like most products with it. I use the edible kind of cocoa butter. That's the kind you use to make chocolate candies or for raw foodist. I like to mix it with coconut oil and jojoba as well. I use the mix on my body and I make different formulas for my hair. I use it sparingly on my hair.
I bought my virgin cocoa butter from amazon.com
I melt it and mix it along with extra virgin coconut oil, and I whip it into my cocoa butter body lotion (the cheap one... I just use that as a base). I suffered from pityriasis rosea (that's what urged me). It has been working miracles for me. Along with exfoliation, it has soften up my skin, and my scars are almost completely faded.
I haven't be successful in getting cocoa butter to stay whipped and fluffy w/o adding an additional butter to it (i.e. shea butter). In the past, I've whipped cocoa butter w/ a little bit of sweet almond oil and had the most amazing hair & body butter! It only stayed fluffy for a day; then it turned into a semi-solid.
Did this a cpl days ago

for skin, but I ran out of shea butter, and I don't feel like over paying for it at the health store so i'm going to be putting it in my hair also!

I added
murumuru butter
babassu oil
cupuacu butter
rose hip seed oil
grapeseed oil
vitamin e

word to thge wise soften up you cocoa butter realll good. I broke my mixer whipping it.:ohwell:
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I whip mine with coconut and sweet almond oils. I mainly use it in the winter as a after-shower moisturizer. It keeps dry skin in check all winter long.
I whip it with Mango Butter, Murmuru, and some oils. Comes out great. My hair loves this combo.
I'm going to be blending this for my winter skin regimen. I've never used cocoa butter for my hair before. I'll be researching a little before I make my blend.
I have some raw cocoa butter that I currently use for my face, after I wash my face with my African Black Soap I use the cocoa butter as a moisturizer and the combination of both has helped with my acne and scars. But now I want to mix up a batch for like a body creme cause you ladies have inspired me :)
I guess I was thrown by the use of the word "pure" in the title because it find its virtually impossible to whip pure cocoa butter.

I have melted cocoa butter in a double boiler and castor, coconut and jojoba oils to it and it worked wonders for my hair and skin. Its a good reminder for me to order some...:lick:
I guess I was thrown by the use of the word "pure" in the title because it find its virtually impossible to whip pure cocoa butter.

I have melted cocoa butter in a double boiler and castor, coconut and jojoba oils to it and it worked wonders for my hair and skin. Its a good reminder for me to order some...:lick:

greenandchic I just didn't want people to get it confused with cocoa butter skin only products but the real thing.

Is it really impossible to whipped pure cocoa butter?:look:
greenandchic I just didn't want people to get it confused with cocoa butter skin only products but the real thing.

Is it really impossible to whipped pure cocoa butter?:look:

Ah, got it. Not the Palmers stuff. :lol:

In my experience, cocoa butter is MUCH harder than shea. I can whip pure shea with my hand mixer, but I have to melt cocoa butter and add oils to it. Unless there's another form of cocoa butter I don't know about, that stuff is hard as a rock.
so i used the cocoa with the left over brazillian butters. and it feels better than my whipped shea.

So, not sure if it was the cocoa addition or the quantity of the other butters. I will play with this some more.

I bought my first set of cocoa from FNWl, found it cheaper at camdengrey, but I have yet to receive it so no comparisons. Sorry.