What Should I do?


New Member
My family is Catholic and I recently convert to Islam. However, my younger sister and I was having a discussion on the difference of the two religion when she commented that she did not understand the Catholic religion. She wants to stay Catholic (She does believe that Christ is her savior) She is going to make her conformation this year.

I want to tell my mom about my sister not understanding the Catholic religion so that she can help her understand. Should I tell my mom before or after my sister have made her conformation? And how should I tell her (I don't want to sound like I am trying to change my sister's religion at all).
Yeah, you should definitely tell her mom. Also, there are some Catholic ladies on the board, so if your sis has any questions, she perhaps can use your name and ask them.
Amina said:
My family is Catholic and I recently convert to Islam. However, my younger sister and I was having a discussion on the difference of the two religion when she commented that she did not understand the Catholic religion. She wants to stay Catholic (She does believe that Christ is her savior) She is going to make her conformation this year.

I want to tell my mom about my sister not understanding the Catholic religion so that she can help her understand. Should I tell my mom before or after my sister have made her conformation? And how should I tell her (I don't want to sound like I am trying to change my sister's religion at all).

:look: I would encourage your sis to tell your mom herself.