What are you most looking forward to...

My ultimate goal is WL but I can't wait until BSB/BSL for:
- a nice ponytail, low or high.
- one long braid I can throw over my shoulder
- having lots of coils to my bun
- rocking my curls at APL while on beach vacations
So much to look forward to.......cute buns, a wash and go that doesn't shrink to a curly :afro:, letting all those people who were negative about me going natural :drool: over my hair, long twist I can style millions of ways...
I ultimately want hiplength hair so

a long straight ponytail down my back
a big poofy ponytail
pocahontas braids
wash and go with apl hair
Having beautiful, curly APL hair in the summer. Its something I've wanted my entire life.
As far as my straight hair, I'm happy with my progress. I look forward to straightening my hair and see it hip length.

I so feel you on this one. I cannot wait until my curly hair is APL. That has been a goal of mine for a long time now. The last time I wore a wash and go the back hung just above APL and I about lost my mind :grin:.
I'm most looking forward to getting past shoulder length. It's such an arkward length, not long, not short, it's just... there
I look forward to not only being limited to a twist out when I'm not in kinky twists. I just want more styling options amd to be between APL and BSL.
I can't wait to hit APL....:yep:

ETA: I am also looking forward to having sexy bangs that I have to sweep behind my ear with the one piece that just keeps falling past my eyes lol...I LOVE bangs! I look forward to being able to pull all of my hair over either shoulder and do messy ponytails & since I love big wild hair....SL braidouts...I just love hair hanging down my face...man I can't wait.
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I'm looking forward to my regimen becoming easier, spend less time rollersetting, and doing more wash and goes and having a long braid down my back or a semi high bun.. I wish I could get 4 inches of growth every 2 months until I get to BSL.. sigh*
I'm looking forward to people seeing my long straight hair and staring...like I do now :grin: and having my SO run his fingers through it because it is not stuck in a bun. I'm also looking forward to having long waves flowing down my back on my wedding day. I told my SO that we couldn't get married until I am BSL/MBL :lachen:
...when you reach your goal.

I am sure this has been done before but I thought I would start a new thread rather than resurrect an old one.

One thing that I am really looking forward to is being able to wear my hair in an infinity bun. I love the way those look :yep:.

The thing I am most looking forward to is shifting my focus from retaining length to maintaining it. I eagerly anticipate the day when I no longer obsess over retaining every inch and can just relax and enjoy my length. I look forward to not worrying about wearing my hair down or using heat in moderation because trims will be a regular part of my regimen.

How about you; what are you most looking forward to?

I'm looking forward to just being able to do a big bun! And ITA with the bold statement:yep:
I can't wait to reach healthy, blunt WL to wear my hair totally out and flowing down my back........oh what a day that will be............I would start looking for an outfit to rock with the hair except the fashion may be out of style by the time I get there!!!
I'm looking forward to FINALLY be able to do a thread on here to show my progress. i have been at this since 2007 and i'm still not at my goal length.
My goal is waist length, for now :grin:

I'm looking forward to wearing my hair in two simple, long braids that hang to my waist, having bigger, fuller buns, having a bit more weight to my hair, and just more styling options, in general.
I am looking forward to MBL and not worrying about reaching that length. I look forward to wearing my hair out and just enjoying it:yep:
  • wearing my hair in high ponytails
  • fuller braid/twist outs
  • going from ear lenght to down my back with just a little heat ( i have major shrinkage)
  • getting weave checked:lachen:
I'm looking forward to reaching my final goal of hip length and trying to maintain my hair at that length .