Taking the Lord's name in vain! - How does it make you feel when you hear it!


New Member
I tell you when I hear it it goes through me like a knife. I hate hearing people bellow out 'oh my god' ' jesus christ' <--- or that one with an F in the middle. Many times I've spoken to my supervisor who says Jesus Christ all the time that it offends me, yet rather than listen to and respect that he makes and excuse and says he can't help it. Well he can't pronounce my name properly and he calls me something else (as I told him to if can't simply say Naomi - he has a nickname for me instead) then he should be able to refrain or at least try to refrain from spouting out profanity in the name of the Lord.

I mean I think sometimes if I was muslim or hindu there'd be more respect, when you're an out and out christian people think we can take it all on the chin.

What I don't understand is with these people, they don't believe in the Lord yet use his name to curse, you never hear them say oh Allah, oh Hare Krishna or Vishnu do you and they probably wouldn't, so why do that with my God?

Also how does God 'react/feel' when people say his name in vain. To him is his a sin, is it mentioned anywhere in the Bible.


It sounds like chalk scraping the chalkboard to me.

At work they often apologize to me if they think I heard it. Sometimes they go as far as to explain the problem so I could understand their frustration. :rolleyes: My co-worker once cursed and swore perfusely because of paper jamming in the copier. Minutes later she did it again when she realized she filed a bunch of papers incorrectly. She apologized to me both times. I guess my look of :shocked: provoked an apology. I just couldn't believe she cursed out paper and charged it to the Lord. :confused:

"You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain." (Exodus 20:7 NKJV)


Child of THE King!
victorious said:
It sounds like chalk scraping the chalkboard to me.

At work they often apologize to me if they think I heard it. Sometimes they go as far as to explain the problem so I could understand their frustration. :rolleyes: My co-worker once cursed and swore perfusely because of paper jamming in the copier. Minutes later she did it again when she realized she filed a bunch of papers incorrectly. She apologized to me both times. I guess my look of :shocked: provoked an apology. I just couldn't believe she cursed out paper and charged it to the Lord. :confused:

"You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain." (Exodus 20:7 NKJV)

I chucked when I read your post because people ALWAYS react to me in this way when they swear or use God's name in vane. And it's not like I react to it either. I won't say or show anything, but they still feel the need to apologize.


Star Shooter
It bothers me as well but not as much as it hurts me. :( I don't say it either. :nono:

But I feel you victorious,:yep: I have a co-worker who uses the Lord's name in vain and on top of that she uses curse words in it, which makes it sound like she's cursing God. :shocked: :shocked:

I just pray for her.


New Member
I cringe also. It makes me feel the same way as when I hear parents cursing at their children, calling them all kinds of nasty names.

I always think it is SOOOOO uncessary. I think people have serious issues who can't get a point across without cursing. I tune them out. DH curses quite a bit but he knows NEVER to have a conversation with me and curse because I just will ignore him. I established that at the start of our relationship. I did not grow up in a household that did either of the above mentioned.


Well-Known Member
When I hear people say GOD and then followed by the other word commonly used, sometimes I say GOD never damned anybody. My pastor told me that he says to people well how would you feel if I used your mom's name like that and when they get offended and say well you don't know my mom, he says well you don't know my GOD so don't be using His name like that. People don't usually curse around me too much, I think they just know not to. Those that do, I will correct and give them another word to use, or say my ears are burning, and sometimes just stop talking during the conversation and they get the hint!!!


queeny20 said:
My pastor told me that he says to people well how would you feel if I used your mom's name like that and when they get offended and say well you don't know my mom, he says well you don't know my GOD so don't be using His name like that.

:up: Good analogy!