Sulfate AND Cone-free?


Well-Known Member
Newbie here....I am looking for some cleansers that have NEITHER...

I tried Hair One....At first I didn't like it...but its okay. Its advertised as a sulfate-free I grabbed a sample...made hair feel nice, had slip when wet...but not so nice when dry.....2nd try mixed with some Silk Elements Moisturizing Condish was better....but it has CONES.

I noticed a lot of sulfate-free products do have some cones in it, which is why I am on the hunt.....
Anyone know of any products that have neither and you Love it?

My hair likes cones...but I am going to give it a cone-free (with VO5) try for a couple weeks in the meantime....Thanks for your help ladies.....


New Member
I've been sulfate-free and cone free for the last 4 months. Its made a big difference in retaining moisture.

Shampoo Bars don't have cones or sulfates.

I use the ones from Anita Grant and Chagrin Valley.

Also most of the cleansers on the Curl Mart are sulfate free but be sure to check the ingredients:

When you go sulfate-free you have to make sure all the products you use are cone-free, otherwise you will have build-up and your hair will suffer.

This thread has a long list of products and other good info.


New Member
Trader Joe's Nourish Spa Shampoo...Works great for me (I'm a natural type 4) and doesn't leave my hair stripped. I also use it as my body wash.

V05 clarifiying conditioner...It's not a clarifier in the traditional sense of the word. But, it does get your hair and scalp cleaner than just using a regular conditioner. It's great for cowashing because you still get the moisture.


New Member
Mill Creek has great cone free cond's! And there cheap! I use the Ayurvedic soap bars as a shampoo ( swastik) , my hair hates shampoos ( sulfate or not) for the exception of the old cream of nature ,( before the change ). Hope this helps , oh and I LURV V05 conds 2 especially moisture milks!