Stretching Advice!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies...I spoke to a hairdresser about stretching and/or just plan relaxers and she told me that I should straighten my hair a few days before...*of course moisturizing in between* and then relax say a few days later. That way your roots will have already been trained and the relaxer would take to it better.:huh: Does this make sense? Could it be true? I ask because I plan on doing an 18 week stretch and I WILL NOT:nono: be going to a stylist to have my hair relaxed and lose all of my hard work. I am a die hard DIY-er!:weird: But I don't want my hair to be underprocessed.
It doesn't make sense to me. How will she be able to tell the different between the new growth and the rest of the hair? She could overlap.
That doesn't make sense to me either. Now I understand making sure your new growth moisturized so that parting your hair as you relax is easier but as far as training your roots:nono:

If we could just train out hair we would all have hair down to our butts because we would have trained it to grow with all the abuse we have done to it.
I'm assuming she meant blowdry it or something, I hope she didn't mean flat ironing. If you run the blowdryer thru it w/o focusing on getting it too straight, you s/b able to comb thru it and still be able to tell the NG from the processed parts.
nah, it aint gonna make a difference. i had been self relaxing for a loong time b4 going back to a stylist. you cant "train" your roots. its either going to be straight or not (underprocessed) . just base your scalp and make sure not to wash your hair less than a week before your relaxer.
The only thing I can think of is maybe since your roots would already be semi-straightened, when you put the relaxer creme on they'd flatten out completely and you wouldn't have to smooth so much to get the texture you wanted. Plus, it'd be easier to reach and easier to part.