S/O: Why do you only post in the Hair Forum?


stay at your best ♥
This is a spin-off of the other thread "Why don't you post in the Hair Forum anymore?"

For those who rarely venture out into the other parts of the board: why do you spend most of your time here? Why do you only (or mostly) post here instead of in other parts of the board?
Um, because my primary focus is to grow and maintain my hair and this is the only place where I have found the information and support to do so?

As for the other topics, I don't have kids, so I don't need to worry about their hair care, I am not a product junkie, so the vendors or product exchange forums don't interest me, and as for the other topics, I go to other site/forums for that other stuff, so they don't interest me. I tend to go to specific sites for specific information, so I tend not to look at the off-topic areas because I don't have time for that. :ohwell:
It's a Hobby and enjoy this Forum (for the most part). And I originally joined for Hair Care.

The other 'topics' I can deal with IRL.

Sometimes I do lurk in the Christian Forum.
It's a Hobby and enjoy this Forum (for the most part). And I originally joined for Hair Care.

The other 'topics' I can deal with IRL.

Sometimes I do lurk in the Christian Forum.

Same, and when I first realized there were other forums I was like, whaa?! lol I found OT and spent a lot of time lurking and posting there. Now I lurk in a lot of the other forums, but still visit the Hair Forum frequently.
I came in for the hair, now I stay for the jokes at the Entertainment and Off Topic forums.
(I still pop in from time to time at the Hair board, but its been a while).
Um, because my primary focus is to grow and maintain my hair and this is the only place where I have found the information and support to do so?

As for the other topics, I don't have kids, so I don't need to worry about their hair care, I am not a product junkie, so the vendors or product exchange forums don't interest me, and as for the other topics, I go to other site/forums for that other stuff, so they don't interest me. I tend to go to specific sites for specific information, so I tend not to look at the off-topic areas because I don't have time for that. :ohwell:

What she said :yep: And even then, I'm almost always MIA from the hair forum
i came for hair because i like anything hair related. since starting my HHJ i come here for advice and encouragement. i go to all of the other topics for knowledge, entertainment, or just to socialize.
I love hair and that's why I joined. I do lurk in the Health and fitness section and occasionally the makeup and skincare section. I never really go any place else...no need *shrugs.
Cause Im serious about my hair!! LOL!!

I have been lurking in the Nails thread lately but haven't had time to do my nails. I am inspired by the nail designs and pretty colors though
I don't want to get too comfortable on LHCF, sharing all my business and have it thrown back at me in an e-fight. :look: :lol: I stick to the hair care forum to keep things on track. :lol: