Rusk's Anti Curl


Hi ladies

My hairdresser was telling me about Rusk anti Curl and that it helps to loosen the curl pattern for afro hair.

Has anyone ever heard of Rusk's anti curl.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it has been around for awhile. When I first started posting on hair boards like 5 or 6 years ago, alot of people were using the Rusk anti-curl. I used it once and I really liked the results.


New Member
I had a customer who had it done at her prior salon and her hair was beautiful. I understand it to be a chemical relaxer.


Active Member
My friend went from using a lye relaxer to using RUSK anti-curl and her hair came out looking nice. After a couple of months, the stylist who used to do her hair left and the salon was no longer using RUSK and she went back to using a lye relaxer. Literally her hair melted off afterwards and it was just a hard time for her. Just understand that the main ingredient in RUSK (sodium thiogolate or something like that) is NOT compatible with lye or no-lye relaxers and so once you switch to Rusk you are making a commitment.


Well-Known Member
When I saw your post, it caught me off guard. I went to Sally's yesterday and spent a lot of time looking at the ingredients in the Rusk products. I have procrastinated in buying my phyto and was tempted to buy the Rusk but didnt have enough knowledge about it.

I ended up buyin Rusk Curl Silk instead because a few ladies,in another thread, were talking about putting silk on your hair prior to a perm.


Well-Known Member
I tried this many years ago. At that time I think it was a thio relaxer. My hair (3c, fine) did not do well. My curls were looser but not defined so it looked pretty raggedy when I wore it wash and go. And I couldn't get it really straight either without alot of heat. It was also pretty dry and I started to get some breakage. This was a few years ago so maybe the formula has changed, but be careful.


Active Member
I used Rusk anticurl for about 5 years. It is a Thio relaxer, so once you begin to use it, there is no turning back...i.e. no OTC relaxers for you. If you do, you will lose all of your hair. With that being said, I loved it. I have 4A hair, and the type 3 worked perfectly. In addition, I can't remember ever having a burned scalp during the process. In fact, my hairdresser would have to constantly ask me and check on me because I would never complain of a burning scalp. Now, it can be expensive and not many black beauticians know how to use it because it is considered a "white" product. Rusk has a website to find out who in your area actually uses the product. What I did was find beauticians in my area who were on the list and ask them whether they did black hair and whether or not they ever used Rusk with black hair. I am going natural now, so I no longer use it of course, but if I did ever decide to go back to chemical straightening, I would use Rusk all over again.


Thanks for the information, it explains alot. I went to a white salon to have my hair cut, and she mentioned it. But the way she was describing it made it sound like a product that loosens the curl, not actual relaxer. At the moment I am growing out my relaxer so I don't think this is an option for me.