Relaxed 4a/b...


New Member
I am trying to grow my hair from ear length to SL and later on to BSL. I don't know how long it's gonna take me but I was wondering what you relaxed 4a/b heads did to get the best growth/health results with your hair. What is your regimen? How often do you use what product? How long do you stretch for? What do you do for protective styling? How long did it take you to get from one length to another?
I started my hair care journey about 2 months ago and I am still building my regimen. Currently, I use OCT and apply it every night, put a plastic cap on and a satin scarf on top (only been using OCT for 2 wks). Then I rinse it out in the morning w/ a VO5 condish and apply HE LTR leave in. After that I apply Hawaiian Silk moisturizer and seal w/ Doo Gro oil ( i don't really like it, i'm gonna switch to Jojoba once I'm done w/ this bottle). I shampo every other Sunday and I DC on Wednesdays and Sundays w/ Mizani Moisturefuse. For protective styling, I pin my hair up everyday. It is too short for me to bun it and weaves and braids equals to breakage with my hair.
Waiting for regimens and ideas from you ladies:yep:! Thank you so much in advance!!!
My hair's story is basically in my siggy. The first pic shows my length when I started here at LHCF, and the last where it currently is now.

Basically the thing that has help me most is simplicity. I figured out my regimen and what works for me and stuck with it. Basically I wash (w/ poo) and DC my hair 2x a week. I try to do a light protein treatment when I feel my hair needs a little structure since I tend to focus on moisture with my hair. Once a month, to one every other month, I'll do a hard core protein (Nexxus Emergencee) followed by a long DC.

For the most part, I hardly do protective styling. I'm not seeing any issues that are said to be caused by having your hair down. I wear my hair up when I want to, and I wear it down when I want to. I keep an eye on split ends, and try to do whatever I can in my regimen to prevent them. I have reduced the amount of heat I use. I was doing this round brush blowdrying/low flat iron thing for a few months. Using the roundbrush is when I started seeing split ends, so I've stopped that. Now I've gone back to simply rollersetting (either airdrying or under my soft bonnet), or airdry/flat iron. If I want a textured style braidout/twistout. Sometimes, depending on if I feel I need it, I will sneak a co-wash in 1-2x a week. It's usually then that I do some kind of cute up-do.

That's it. For me simplicity is key. Sticking to what works for me has been best. Not doing things to my hair just because it works for someone else. And really listening to my hair and what it needs. Responding to its changes immediately as well has probably saved me from setbacks. Overall my hair hits water 2-4x a week. I therefore tend to not really need to daily moisturize and seal. I hardly do that anymore, it's just not needed FOR ME.
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I'm natural, so I can really answer your questions. But I wanted to tell you that you have an awesome regimen! :yep:
My hair's story is basically in my siggy. The first pic shows my length when I started here at LHCF, and the last where it currently is now.

Basically the thing that has help me most is simplicity. I figured out my regimen and what works for me and stuck with it. Basically I wash (w/ poo) and DC my hair 2x a week. I try to do a light protein treatment when I feel my hair needs a little structure since I tend to focus on moisture with my hair. Once a month, to one every other month, I'll do a hard core protein (Nexxus Emergencee) followed by a long DC.

For the most part, I hardly do protective styling. I'm not seeing any issues that are said to be caused by having your hair down. I wear my hair up when I want to, and I wear it down when I want to. I keep an eye on split ends, and try to do whatever I can in my regimen to prevent them. I have reduced the amount of heat I use. I was doing this round brush blowdrying/low flat iron thing for a few months. Using the roundbrush is when I started seeing split ends, so I've stopped that. Now I've gone back to simply rollersetting (either airdrying or under my soft bonnet), or airdry/flat iron. If I want a textured style braidout/twistout. Sometimes, depending on if I feel I need it, I will sneak a co-wash in 1-2x a week. It's usually then that I do some kind of cute up-do.

That's it. For me simplicity is key. Sticking to what works for me has been best. Not doing things to my hair just because it works for someone else. And really listening to my hair and what it needs. Responding to its changes immediately as well has probably saved me from setbacks. Overall my hair hits water 2-4x a week. I therefore tend to not really need to daily moisturize and seal. I hardly do that anymore, it's just not needed FOR ME.

Exactly...i agree with this.

I wash my hair twice a week rotating different conditioners. Then I rollerset....I do that twice a week. Sometime I do a prepoo with a cheapie conditioner mixed with EVOO for 15-20 minutes then I proceed to washing and DCing.

I have 4a relaxed hair. I cowash or shampoo my hair every 3-4 days depending on time and my activity level. Afterwards, I either let it air dry in a bun or I rollerset. I stretch my relaxers out to atleast 10 weeks. Usually it ends up being around 12 weeks between each relaxer. I generally use light protein every two weeks but I might actually increase that frequency since I have also recently permanently colored. I use heavier protein like Joico K Pak reconstructor a week or two after I relax. I use WEN, joico, kenra and TIGI products. I have tons of things but these products get the most use out of me right now. On a day to day basis, I pin my hair up in a bun or I wear it out, especially when I have fresh curls. Closer to relaxer time, I do more cowashing and wet bunning to help keep my hair moist.

I think the most important thing you can do it learn about protein-moisture balance. This is the key in making sure your hair stays on your head and doesn't break off :lol: Everyones hair is different so find that balance for your head of hair. Learn what signs your hair is telling you it needs for more protein or more moisture. Find products you like and just stay consistent with giving your hair care. When you find yourself having a problem that doesn't seem to go away, even after you try to give it more attention, re evaluate your hair and your regime. Most of us, especially as you find your stride, are going to go through regime changes every now and then.
Welcome, I'm new to this forum too, well I've been lurking forever, but just joined.

I'm a PJ and it used to be hard to not buy every product I read a good review about, but keeping things simple and knowing what's working for my hair and sticking with it, have really helped me.

I wash about every 5 days, DC with ORS replenishing conditioner, then I use a small amount of Salerm 21 and coconout oil and that's it. I either rollerset or pull it back into a ponytail and let the ends air dry since I'm texlaxed. That's been working for me this year and I don't plan on changing until my hair tells me it's time. Hope that helps.