Quick prayer question

Belle Du Jour

Well-Known Member
Are we supposed to ask God for the same thing over and over (something that hasn't come through yet) or is that wrong? What are you supposed to do instead of ask if it hasn't come yet? Thank Him instead? Just wondering if my prayers could be more effective. . .
Are we supposed to ask God for the same thing over and over (something that hasn't come through yet) or is that wrong? What are you supposed to do instead of ask if it hasn't come yet? Thank Him instead? Just wondering if my prayers could be more effective. . .
Here is a prayer which will never fail. You can use your 'own' words. It's an invitation welcoming the Holy Spirit into your prayers.

Holy Spirit, please pray through me for this situation. Let my heart, follow your heart. I thank you for your precious Spirit which guides me into all of God's truth. I thank you that no matter what or how I pray, that I am always lead by you. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Belle, from there, relax and rest in God and pray whatever is in your heart. The Holy Spirit will always lead you simply because you asked Him to. With Him, you will never have to wonder, He loves you too much to leave you without the peace of His presence.

You and your prayers are just that precious and special to Him. :giveheart:
I agree with Shimmie.

Also, whenever I ask God for something I also ask Him for peace. The peace allows me not to worry about the outcome but know that the request is in the Lord’s hand. And whether the request is nay or yay all things will work out for our good. God will show you in His sovereignty.

If I have to follow up with a prayer request, I usually say Lord I remind you of my prayer on xyz, show me what’s best for me....And normally He will through his word or simply through daily living.
I try to remember the following from the Bible, "Be anxious for nothing but in everything through prayer and supplication of Thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God".

[My interpretation, give Him praise and thanks for what you have, where you are today etc versus what could be going on as well as ask for your desire should it be in His will to bless you with it. I talk to God as if we're on the phone. He knows what you want before you want it and gives you what you need. If it is in His will then you will have it, that's how I deal with desires and anxiety.
I have another question along that same plane....
Will God answer a read a prayer? For instance, the prayer Shimmie posted. I wrote it down because I am forgetful and I probably couldn't remember the words if I would want to recite it. I intend to use it but will it be any less sincere than one off the top of my head. If this is a dumb question :peek:
I have another question along that same plane....
Will God answer a read a prayer? For instance, the prayer Shimmie posted. I wrote it down because I am forgetful and I probably couldn't remember the words if I would want to recite it. I intend to use it but will it be any less sincere than one off the top of my head. If this is a dumb question :peek:
:kiss: Bless your heart...

Of course He will. You don't have to pray what I wrote, verbatim. It's just a guide; which is why I shared you can use your own words.

You're so precious. :yep: Just pray from your heart. "Lord take over my heart and pray through me...in Jesus' Name, Amen."

Just pray however your heart prays to welcome Him to take over. :yep:

You know what? There are times when I'm not 'flowing' with the Holy Spirit, because of distractions or I simply do not know what to say or pray. I will pray the original prayer above to cleanse my spirit.

But here's another example: In Ministry, we get many, many prayer requests and often it may be urgent for me to pray 'instantly' so that it brings immediate peace to the person 'waiting'. It happens often when I see threads here or in my PM box and I'm at my desk, yet I can't leave the person waiting for prayer. My auto prayer is, "Lord what shall I pray?" This is how I am able to 'move' with Him and not guess about the situation and what it calls for.

God is all knowing, I am not. I have no clue but He does, therefore when I pray, I first invite the Holy Spirit to pray through me. Otherwise, I'll miss the mark.

You know what, your heart to please God is a Delight to Him. Your prayers are a 'main' attraction to His ear. Don't ever doubt that your very own personal words of invitation, will be unheard or unanswered. Use your words, your invitation and watch Him appear in every prayer of your heart.

Blessings angel. :giveheart:
I have another question along that same plane....
Will God answer a read a prayer? For instance, the prayer Shimmie posted. I wrote it down because I am forgetful and I probably couldn't remember the words if I would want to recite it. I intend to use it but will it be any less sincere than one off the top of my head. If this is a dumb question :peek:

Hey Delite,

I don't think that there is anything wrong with a read prayer. I have sometimes used some of the prayers that others have posted because I was such at a lost for words at times when faced with dreadful situations and could not focus at the time so they helped. However as we grow in our faith and relationship with God, I believe any true simple prayer from the heart is suffice enough for him. Vain repititions and eloquent words like the Pharisees were accustomed to praying surely does not impress God. Its the simple prayer from the heart coupled with faith that pleases him.

I find the more you read your word, the easier it is to pray as well. Jesus also gave us a model as to how to pray through the "Our Father" prayer but I think that as a former Catholic and knowing the faith, that was the only thing I prayed for about 20 years before becoming saved, lol. Sad but true!

So they can serve as extensions and/or fillers but should not act as "crutches" if that makes more sense.
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