Question for naturals who rollerset


Well-Known Member
I did a rollerset using the ponytail method this weekend on my 75%-80% natural hair (I've been transitioning for 2.5 years). The results were MUCH better than I EVER expected. I had seriously been considering texlaxing b/c I couldn't do much with my hair besides a ponytail.

Naturals, will consistant rollersetting eventually take the curl pattern from my natural hair as frequent flat ironing does? Once I'm all natural, I do wanna wear it curly at times, so I don't wanna compromise my curl pattern.


New Member
I seriously doubt it becasue you aren't applying direct heat like you would if you were blowdrying and flat ironing. Constant use of direct heat will definitely alter your hair's natural curl pattern over time.


Well-Known Member
I roller set pretty often with no adverse effects. I have no curl pattern so there isn't really one to lose...however my napps bounce back as soon as moisture hits!


Well-Known Member
Nope it won't. I rollerset my hair for a whole year to avoid direct heat, and my curls always popped back. My hair was in the best condition ever :yep: