Question About Shower Filters?


Well-Known Member
So I have been using shower filters since 2005. I started with Aquasana and then switched to Johnathan Product brand of shower filters. Well I re-ordered one of the Johnathan filter in June but I just opened it last weekend. When I pulled off the yellow top a good size amount of copper shavings poured out of the filter (I think I leaned over to pick up something). This has never happened before. Too be honest I never really thought about what these filters contained but I thought it was odd that it was so easy for all that stuff to just pour out. Has this ever happened to anyone else?


New Member
I use Crystal Quest shower filters, and the filter cartridge is completely sealed. There is no way for anything to fall out unless you cut the screen and break it open. I would say the filter contents falling out is not supposed to happen, but then again, my filters are reversible. Kinda like turning a soda can upside down, u can reverse it to make sure the charcoal and filter media (KDF media used to neutralize chlorine and VOC's) are fully filtering the water over 6 months or a year. I flip mine over every 3 mos and it lasts a year depending on usage.

I'm not well-versed in shower filters...i just found a good one, looked for good reviews and ISO certification, and bought it. I wanted to be sure it filtered out certain things as well. Bought mine on Ebay. HTH
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