Prayer Request: My grandfather and family


New Member
I don’t speak much on this board; I mainly just enjoy the posts. But I come today to ask for your prayers for my family and my grandfather. He is fighting through a bad case of pneumonia; he’s currently in ICU on a ventilator and has emphysema. They said if his heart stops they can’t give him CPR because he is so malnourished. My grandfather is our world and it’s really hard to cope because all of our family is in Alabama while we (my immediate family) are here in Washington. We had already scheduled a trip home at the end of July. So everything has become very stressed.

My mother who is the oldest daughter of 6 broke down today when she heard the news and says she knows “he’s not going to make it”. But for some reason I do not believe it, I just can’t allow myself to count him out just yet. I have prayed and prayed and read the Bible praying the God hears my cry and blesses us with a miracle. I know I shouldn’t be, but I am scared because I’m trying so hard to hold us together and keep everyone positive, but I sometimes feel that their faith is wavering.

I know it’s hard when all signs point to bad news. But, I just can’t give up I don’t feel like this is it, maybe it’s me being selfish for wanting more time with him. But, in my heart I feel that God will give my grandfather the strength he needs. They are currently giving him nourishment through a tube and keeping surveillance on him, when he first started to get sick he was very stubborn and wouldn’t take his medicine or eat because he said it hurt to swallow. On his first hospital visit he said he wasn’t ready to go yet, and he was getting better, but then the pneumonia came back even worse. I just pray that he is given a second chance to do right.

I just ask if you all could pray for my family and my grandfather. It’s hard to see my mother cry and not be able to fix it. Things are tough right now but, I will not count him out just yet. I know when people gather to pray miracles and blessings happen, I for one have witnessed it.

I thank you all for reading this as it was hard to even type, please continue to pray for our strength.

Thank you
I don’t speak much on this board; I mainly just enjoy the posts. But I come today to ask for your prayers for my family and my grandfather. He is fighting through a bad case of pneumonia; he’s currently in ICU on a ventilator and has emphysema. They said if his heart stops they can’t give him CPR because he is so malnourished. My grandfather is our world and it’s really hard to cope because all of our family is in Alabama while we (my immediate family) are here in Washington. We had already scheduled a trip home at the end of July. So everything has become very stressed.

My mother who is the oldest daughter of 6 broke down today when she heard the news and says she knows “he’s not going to make it”. But for some reason I do not believe it, I just can’t allow myself to count him out just yet. I have prayed and prayed and read the Bible praying the God hears my cry and blesses us with a miracle. I know I shouldn’t be, but I am scared because I’m trying so hard to hold us together and keep everyone positive, but I sometimes feel that their faith is wavering.

I know it’s hard when all signs point to bad news. But, I just can’t give up I don’t feel like this is it, maybe it’s me being selfish for wanting more time with him. But, in my heart I feel that God will give my grandfather the strength he needs. They are currently giving him nourishment through a tube and keeping surveillance on him, when he first started to get sick he was very stubborn and wouldn’t take his medicine or eat because he said it hurt to swallow. On his first hospital visit he said he wasn’t ready to go yet, and he was getting better, but then the pneumonia came back even worse. I just pray that he is given a second chance to do right.

I just ask if you all could pray for my family and my grandfather. It’s hard to see my mother cry and not be able to fix it. Things are tough right now but, I will not count him out just yet. I know when people gather to pray miracles and blessings happen, I for one have witnessed it.

I thank you all for reading this as it was hard to even type, please continue to pray for our strength.

Thank you

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you so much for your love for Designer and her family. I pray that you would comfort them during this time as her grandfather fights to live. You are the One who has given him life, and I pray that as they seek your face regarding him, that you would hear them...for your Word has said that "out of the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses, let your Word be established."

Be established, O' the hearts of this family. Let your peace, which surpass all understanding, guard their heart and their minds in Christ Jesus. Let their tears that are shed, be and offering to you. Open up the windows of heaven and pour out blessings upon them they that they won't have room enough to receive and Lord, rebuke the devour that brings sickness and disease, for their sake.

As the enemy would try to come and bring doubt and unbelief in their them stand and after they have done all to stand, that they would stand and gird up their loins and put on the full armor that they may be able to stand against the wiles of the enemy.

satan, you have no power over this child of God. You must flee in the name of Jesus...the name that is above EVERY NAME and at that name, bow your knees and confess Him as Lord of ALL!!!

I loose the warring angels around his hospital bed, that they would stand guard and protect him from the outside invasions of the enemy. That they would put up walls of fire round about him, that your Holy Spirit would be able to come and bring total and complete healing to him.

Close every door of sickness and disease that has been opened. Open every door of healing to his spirit, soul and body this day, Father in the Name of Jesus!

Thank you, Father...for I know that you are a God of healing....for healing is the children's bread!

Bless you and praise you and thank you for the testimony that will come forth regarding this child of yours whom you love and adore.

In Jesus precious and Holy name....Amen!

I just read this prayer out loud... and stand in agreement. What a gift!
I stand in agreement with the prayer that Nice & Wavy rendered. Blessings and Peace to you and your family-
I just wanted to come in and thank you all. I praise God that he used Nice & Wavy as a vessel to deliver this prayer and that he put it on your hearts to come in and stand in agreement. I've sent the prayer out to the family and my heart is truly smiling right now. I feel so blessed. We all are just waiting to see how things are going to go, but from what I've heard he has made small progress, that's all I need to hear. :) From the bottom of my heart thank you and praise God.. he is more than able!
Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you so much for your love for Designer and her family. I pray that you would comfort them during this time as her grandfather fights to live. You are the One who has given him life, and I pray that as they seek your face regarding him, that you would hear them...for your Word has said that "out of the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses, let your Word be established."

Be established, O' the hearts of this family. Let your peace, which surpass all understanding, guard their heart and their minds in Christ Jesus. Let their tears that are shed, be and offering to you. Open up the windows of heaven and pour out blessings upon them they that they won't have room enough to receive and Lord, rebuke the devour that brings sickness and disease, for their sake.

As the enemy would try to come and bring doubt and unbelief in their them stand and after they have done all to stand, that they would stand and gird up their loins and put on the full armor that they may be able to stand against the wiles of the enemy.

satan, you have no power over this child of God. You must flee in the name of Jesus...the name that is above EVERY NAME and at that name, bow your knees and confess Him as Lord of ALL!!!

I loose the warring angels around his hospital bed, that they would stand guard and protect him from the outside invasions of the enemy. That they would put up walls of fire round about him, that your Holy Spirit would be able to come and bring total and complete healing to him.

Close every door of sickness and disease that has been opened. Open every door of healing to his spirit, soul and body this day, Father in the Name of Jesus!

Thank you, Father...for I know that you are a God of healing....for healing is the children's bread!

Bless you and praise you and thank you for the testimony that will come forth regarding this child of yours whom you love and adore.

In Jesus precious and Holy name....Amen!
Praying in total agreeement this awesome powerful prayer... :pray:

Hold on Grand dad. Hold on. You still have more hugs to give and to receive. Hold on. Jesus is right there, healing you.

And the love of your precious granddaughter, whom we here know as "Designer" is not giving up.

So Grand dad, Hold on to Jesus and all of the love surrounding you, close in Heart.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
The Lord gave me this word during prayer, Designer, for you and your family!

"Is not My word like fire?" declares the LORD, "and like a hammer which shatters a rock? Jeremiah 23:29

For the Lord shall go forth, this day and shatter the plan the enemy has set for your family. He is underfoot and will not prosper. Rejoice, again the Lord says 'Rejoice!' For He has heard your cry and will do war on your behalf because you have been faithful!

Blessed are those who are faithful, for the Lord is with them wherever they go!

In the Name of Jesus!

Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!

Glorify your Name, the Name that is above every name!
I just wanted to come in and thank you all. I praise God that he used Nice & Wavy as a vessel to deliver this prayer and that he put it on your hearts to come in and stand in agreement. I've sent the prayer out to the family and my heart is truly smiling right now. I feel so blessed. We all are just waiting to see how things are going to go, but from what I've heard he has made small progress, that's all I need to hear. :) From the bottom of my heart thank you and praise God.. he is more than able!

Amen, and amen!

The Lord gave me this word during prayer, Designer, for you and your family!

"Is not My word like fire?" declares the LORD, "and like a hammer which shatters a rock? Jeremiah 23:29

For the Lord shall go forth, this day and shatter the plan the enemy has set for your family. He is underfoot and will not prosper. Rejoice, again the Lord says 'Rejoice!' For He has heard your cry and will do war on your behalf because you have been faithful!

Blessed are those who are faithful, for the Lord is with them wherever they go!

In the Name of Jesus!

Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!

Glorify your Name, the Name that is above every name!
Praise Jesus!!!!!!!


What a powerful word and annointing. :amen:
I really feel the anointing through your prayers! Continue to be a vessel used for His glory.

The Lord gave me this word during prayer, Designer, for you and your family!

"Is not My word like fire?" declares the LORD, "and like a hammer which shatters a rock? Jeremiah 23:29

For the Lord shall go forth, this day and shatter the plan the enemy has set for your family. He is underfoot and will not prosper. Rejoice, again the Lord says 'Rejoice!' For He has heard your cry and will do war on your behalf because you have been faithful!

Blessed are those who are faithful, for the Lord is with them wherever they go!

In the Name of Jesus!

Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!

Glorify your Name, the Name that is above every name!
I just wanted to come in and give all praise and glory to God, because I'm very happy to report that my grampa is doing much better! His nurses are saying he's doing much better in his physical therapy and they are going to move into sitting him up. He is now basically breathing on his own PRAISE GOD! And his feeding tube was successful, they are looking to try and feed him by mouth, but they have to monitor him to make sure nothing gets into his lungs.

I thank God for all you! Because through your obedience you have blessed my family and myself and for that I am eternally grateful. It's amazing to watch God's work unfold before your eyes, it's a beautiful and calming experience.

We are now just taking it day by day, continuing to pray that he continues to make improvements and that he will completely healed. Please continue to keep us in your prayers, and may God continue to bless you all because through him you all have truly blessed our family.
I just wanted to come in and give all praise and glory to God, because I'm very happy to report that my grampa is doing much better! His nurses are saying he's doing much better in his physical therapy and they are going to move into sitting him up. He is now basically breathing on his own PRAISE GOD! And his feeding tube was successful, they are looking to try and feed him by mouth, but they have to monitor him to make sure nothing gets into his lungs.

I thank God for all you! Because through your obedience you have blessed my family and myself and for that I am eternally grateful. It's amazing to watch God's work unfold before your eyes, it's a beautiful and calming experience.

We are now just taking it day by day, continuing to pray that he continues to make improvements and that he will completely healed. Please continue to keep us in your prayers, and may God continue to bless you all because through him you all have truly blessed our family.

Glory to the Most High God, who reigns forever and ever!

Thank you for the update. I'm still praising and thanking the Father for his total and complete healing.

Praise God! I am so blessed to hear this. Give Grand Dad a great big loving, LHCF Hug from all of us. :bighug:

Watch for the twinkle in his eye when you hug him and for the warm tears of joy you've given to him. :love2:

Bless you, Designer for being so faithful and loving to your family. It's a gift from Heaven for them to have one such as you, to stand for them in prayer. A precious gift indeed.
Hello all :wave:!

I've just come back from my week long trip visiting my family and my grandpa! He seems to be doing much better, God saw it fit for him to come on Weds, two days before we arrived home.:grin:

He was moving about and has adjusted well to his oxygen and has been taking his medicine and breathing treatments. He unfortunately can no longer eat tough foods, so his meat is ground up for him and he has to drink thickened liquid with meals. But, he has a speech and physical therapist that comes by weekly to check up on him and to go over his progress, along with a nutritionist. He's very thin and he needs to pack on some weight. But, he seemed to be eating very well while we were there, we're just hoping he doesn't stop now that we've left.

But he was so happy to see us, we gave many hugs and kisses and he seems optimistic about the future. The entire time all I could think about how great God is and how blessed we are as a family to know him. I thank you all and ask for your continued prayers.

It's a process for my grandpa, and I feel it's gotten to a point where he has to be proactive and follow the instructions of those trying to help him, his speech therapist said he could build his throat muscles back up if he does his exercises and he will be healthier all around if he picks up some weight. So, I just pray that God continues to heal him and puts it on him to continue on the path to recovery and not to give up!

Once again I thank and love you all for your support and prayers, may God bless you more than you could ever imagine!

Thanks for sharing the good report on your grandad.. He is blessed to have such a loving family, and the love he is getting is what's making him stronger...

May God bless and keep your grandad as he regains his strength. :yep:

Amen :angel2:
Praying for your grandpa and your family! May God continue to heal him and grant him a full recovery. In Jesus name, Amen!
I just wanted to come by and update everyone. I thank you all for your continued prayer and selfless love. As of Dec 13, 2009 @ 4:30 am my granddad passed away. Even in typing this I just can't really wrap my mind around it.

After we left from visiting he was improving and doing the things he needed to do to take care of himself. He was very thankful for all the love, prayers, and care he received. But, just as things changed for the better, he began to fall back into his old ways. He was no longer eating and stopped his exercising.

During an exam they found a small lump on his lung and took a biopsy. The biopsy came back a week later and it was confirmed to be cancer. He came home for a few days and was to go and meet with his cancer doctor to run additional tests and to figure out why this was missed considering he keeps his regular visits with him.

For his upcoming appointment it was decided to take him to the hospital early so he would be there and cared for when he met with the doctor that Monday. I've been told as he was leaving to go, he told my grandma he was getting ready to leave her, because he was tired. And from there he just went downhill.

They ran tests and the cancer had spread from his lungs to his liver and there was nothing they could do, so they placed him in a hospice. Initially he was okay he knew they said he had cancer but, we decided not to tell him how bad it was to keep his spirits up. He had some good days, but eventually it got to the point he no longer recognized anyone and he was in so much pain. After week and a half of the biopsy he was gone.

My cousin says that when they visited him a few hours before he left he was talking to God and calling on the Lord, so that morning the Lord answered him and brought him home. My ma came in my room around 2:30am our time crying that her daddy was gone.

Internally I'm a wreck but, on the outside I'm just trying to hold up to make sure everyone is okay. Even typing this the tears are falling. I'm sad but I'm so happy that he's no longer in pain and he's finally in his perfect body. I just pray that he wasn't scared.

I miss him already, the funeral is Friday so I just ask for your prayers for my family for strength through this, we're staying through Christmas as this will be my grandmas first Christmas without him.

Once again thank you all so much God is good, and even though I'm hurting I know it was for the best.

Bless you all