Not so New-Newbie


New Member
Good morning Ladies! After lurking for a few years, I finally decided to pay the fee and what da ya know, it went up a buck and some change, lol. Anyway, today is my first official day of being an LHCFer and I just thought I'd introduce myself before joining in on some of the threads. I will be getting a fotki today, but I probably won't add any pics until tomorrow evening. As soon as I get one I'll post the link in my siggy and I'll also add a current pic of my hair in my avi.

I'm a type 4a/relaxed neck length I'm guessing. I recently got my hair cut from almost APL to NL Saturday morning, with a fresh relaxer. I wanted all of my thin ends cut off; I like the thick end look. I'm currently rocking what I call the Rosa Parks, I'll also post a pic of that.

So many of you ladies, new and old have inspired me but Babygurl is the first fotki I saw, actually it was dontspeakdefeat and I saw babygurl's hair and fell in love with anything "HAIR" related. Last July I started DCing on dry hair every 3-4 days, baggying and sealing, I did that for 4 months straight then completely fell off. My hair has suffered which is the reason for the cut. I don't mind b/c at least this way I can start tracking my growth. So anyway, sorry for the long post, just glad to be official now :grin:

ETA: My Avi pic is my new signature look, The Rosa...
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Welcome! I see from your posts today that you are fitting in just fine. This is an awesome place to learn how to grow your hair longer.