Normal after a shikakai/ amla tea wash??


New Member
I conditioned my scalp with vatika coconut oil last night and then moisturized the length of my hair with dabur amla oil. I let it set overnight...

I just did a tea wash made up of equal parts of shikakai powder and amla powder (1 tbsp of each powder) and then poured 1 cup of boiling water over it. I let it set for close to 1 hour and then poured it over my head gradually while massaging the roots. It felt wonderful and very clean, yet not stripped because of the amla oil still on it.

Anyways, it's done, but I have what looks like itty bitty sand like beads on the roots? What is this? Do I need to wash this out? How do I wash this out? It's isn't very noticeable, but it's there.

Any bit of help would be appreciated :)
How well did you strain the tea? It sounds like some of the little 'grains' might still be hanging around your roots. You should be able to rinse them out.... :yep: or a quick conditioner should help them slide on out.
I conditioned my scalp with vatika coconut oil last night and then moisturized the length of my hair with dabur amla oil. I let it set overnight...

I just did a tea wash made up of equal parts of shikakai powder and amla powder (1 tbsp of each powder) and then poured 1 cup of boiling water over it. I let it set for close to 1 hour and then poured it over my head gradually while massaging the roots. It felt wonderful and very clean, yet not stripped because of the amla oil still on it.

Anyways, it's done, but I have what looks like itty bitty sand like beads on the roots? What is this? Do I need to wash this out? How do I wash this out? It's isn't very noticeable, but it's there.

Any bit of help would be appreciated :)

:yep: gotta wash this out. Candy_C's tutorial speaks on this and states that you should do a co-wash and thoroughly rinse to get the grains out then follow with conditioner to moisturize. I don't know how to link previous posts/threads but it is out there somewhere.
It's the amla :perplexed It leaves those little dust bunnies behind. On your next try, you may want to use a smaller amount. You're just gonna have to experiment until you get it right :grin:
Thanks for the link HotRibena. Yeah, I've had these powders for over 2 months now just sitting in the cabinet fearful of trying them. I think I like the way they work with my overnight oil moisturizing, but I've got to find the proper strainer for that amla sand lol. My strainer has holes which wouldn't catch all of the particles, so maybe I'll find a cheese cloth to use.

Thanks again ladies :)
You can go to the grocery store and pick up some coffee filters place the powder in that, fold the filter at the top and staple the top of the filter and let it boil in the water.

I have done that for the past two weeks and it is wonderful. No fuss to it either. Also it is very cheap to pick up filters and use a stapler.:yep:
You can go to the grocery store and pick up some coffee filters place the powder in that, fold the filter at the top and staple the top of the filter and let it boil in the water.

I have done that for the past two weeks and it is wonderful. No fuss to it either. Also it is very cheap to pick up filters and use a stapler.:yep:

That sounds like a great idea. Thanks for posting.