Naturals Dealing with Heat Damage: How do you Manage?


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to know how you naturals are dealing with your hair that has been damaged/straightened due to excessive heat. I know some people on the board decided to cut there hair off and start all over again. I don't think this would be a good option for me because I like to wear my hair both straight and curly. I have been learning to deal with my two extremely different textured hair by using headbands, braids in the front, and banana clips. So I was wondering how others are managing or if most are opting to cut it off and start again with the absence of heat? Please do share tips and advice. For a long time I thought my only option was to cut my hair off and never wear my hair straight again......but now I see otherwise and I would like let give others a variety of options. Thanks in advance ladies!
I wish there was another solution also, but I found out the hard way that my curls were not coming back:(

Here are pictures from last year in January with Heat straighten hair, by May I had gradually cut a couple of inches of it off, and finally just mini-BC most of the ends in August.


After washing many times, I finally just let go....
Thank You for replying ladies. To answer your question no, I am not transitioning. I like to wear my hair both straight and curly so I don't feel like it would be worth me cutting off the straightened ends.......when all I'm gonna do is straighten it again. I guest this post was intended for:

1. Naturals who like to wear there hair straight and curly

2. Have experienced heat damage and as a result have two or more different textures of hair

Most people who have heat damage only have it in certain areas. I guess I am trying to get people to list various styling options for myself and others when we wear our hair curly.

So basically styles that cover up the straight pieces and accentuate the curls.

And allowing us to not feel threatened about straightening our hair again....Ok I think thats it!!!
braid-out and twist-out will help you out and
cut the damaged hair gradually and also
turn down the heat, use your flat iron in lower temperature
and of course deep conditionnig and treatment for hair 1/2 per week
protective styles
Hi -- I am new to this board and I am dealing with the same situation. There's no way I'm cutting my hair--for two reasons: 1) It will be OK! I can take care of my ends and the two textures will coexist on one head; 2) I need to be able to put my hair in a bun when I want to. I've had texturized hair befor and I did the transition thing for two years without a problem. My heat damaged ends remind me of that texturized hair. I have tried a couple of braidouts but I find that they don't look as nice since they're flatter and the whole doo just seems flat to me. I've been doing condition washes every 2 days and wearing a loose bun. I hope to try some cornrows for the summer.
You can keep the hair and gradually trim it all off but there will come a point when you will have to cut it if you want the totally natural look. Once the hair is damaged and looses its curl patern, it cannot be returned.