Movement and Bounce


Well-Known Member
I’ve noticed that a lot of people in this forum talk about their hair having movement or “bounce”. :bouncy: Unfortunately, I can’t say the same about my hair. :ohwell: Does movement and bounce have to do with hair texture, styling or both? I know this might sound like a stupid question, but I’m asking because I always thought texture was the primary factor, but I see women with a texture similar to mine who have INFINITELY more movement than I do. Thoughts?
To me it has to do with styling.
I don't do grease.
And I don't wear a lot products in my hair (if I plan to wear it down) because it tends to weigh the hair down--and my hair needs to be flappin in the breeze! :grin:

Also it pays to buy a decent flat iron and learn how to silk the hair properly. In my sig and avatar my hair isn't 'silked' to perfection, no. But it still responds to the wind, best believe it!
I really think it has to do with what products you use. If you use heavy products it weighs your hair down.
Good thread OP!

Question, when you rollerset, is it good to "silk" (or use serum) while the hair is wet or dry? I'm still perfecting my movement and body. I usually have both but I notice that I have more at other times and that it is able to last longer
you know what, I think that it may be a combination of things, products, hair health, technique, maybe even hair type

I was at the dominican salon a few days ago and 90% of the customers leave out with flowing, swinging hair but every once and a while i see a couple of people whose hair doesnt quite fit that description. They pretty much use the same technique and same product so it must be something else.

but i know when i do it at home it's technique and the fact that I want to use 50-11 products on my hair
Good thread OP!

Question, when you rollerset, is it good to "silk" (or use serum) while the hair is wet or dry? I'm still perfecting my movement and body. I usually have both but I notice that I have more at other times and that it is able to last longer

I use serum on wet hair for several reasons

1: The only time you have complete and utter control over frizz is when your hair is wet.

2: Applying the serum helps seal that moisture, and keeps the hair from expanding as much as it dries, which takes down the volume a notch and helps keep the cuticle flat

Once I'm done styling, I might take a drop of two, rub it in my palms, and go over just my ends to finish a style, but I find it works best when I use it first on wet hair.
@MSGARDNER...Your baby is so cute! Aw..

@JOY...I don't rollerset; I used to just flat iron the ish out of it but that was the reason why I had so many issues with my hair. :grin:

I'm still ridding myself of old hair care habits so think I will have to start rollersetting.But I tend to think it's better to put the serum on a semi dry or dry head. I don't know. It's just easier for me to gauge how much product I have on my head.

I'll tel you something else:
My old beautician would put a 'dab' of product in her hands and pat my hair 2-3 times. She would barely tap my hair with the flat iron (she used the irons that come with the stove) and my hair would be so silkkkyyyy.
Girl! I don't know how she did it!
I can get my hair straight. I will have body and movement--but not like what she did. I figure maybe it's because she still uses the traditional irons....
But also--she has been doin hair forever, so....
It has to do with the way you have set your hair after washing and deep conditioning. I have found that you get the most natural looking bounce after a good moisture locked rollerset! Also, stay away from grease.
Thanks for your input everyone!

I've seen a couple responses about styling wet hair. What about dry hair? Wrapping my hair at night is usually not the best option for me because I don't get much fullness. I use rollers and don't put a ton of products on my hair, but I still don't have much luck in the bounce department. :ohwell: Any suggestions?
i think its the products. i say this because when i was getting a press and curl i was using grease and curl wax:nono:. my hair never bounced even when the curls feel. when i started rollersetting my hair bouced and swang all over the place. i wasnt using anything except leave in conditioner. i thought it was the style. but one day i flat ironed my hair using only leave in and my hair was still swangon
Yeah for me bounce and swing has been a result of products and styling technique. I don't roller set much anymore because it's too time consuming and for my shoulder length hair I like my length to show a little more when I wear it down. When I roller set my hair always seems to curl up to a bob lol - super cute but not the look I always want.

For me I now airdry to 50% dry (under a soft bonnet hooded dryer) and then blowdry w/ a low setting with only leave in (Sebastian Potion 9 and a small dab of Salerm 21). Once it's dry a small amount (quarter sized) of Biosilk and then flat iron on low. I also find that flat ironing in very small sections and pulling the iron out on a slight curve as I go down the hair gives it amazing bounce and a full shape.

My hair comes out extra fluffy and super light, flaps in the wind and flirts with the boys (my hair's a bad girl lol). At night, I pin curl or cross wrap. It stays pretty light til my next wash (I wash every 3 days).

So yeah amount of products and technique is KEY.
I get optimum movement and bounce from my rollersets. When setting, I use a dime-sized amount of leave-in (Giovanni), followed by only 3-5 drops of serum and set with water only. At bedtime, I lightly moisturize with extra virgin coconut oil/water and pincurl.

Also, the longer my hair gets, the more hair there is = more movement.