Moisturizing No-lye vs Lye hair


Do you ladies feel that no-lye relaxed hair needs more moisture verses lye ?
If so what are you no-lye relaxed ladies using for moisture. Please share!
When I had a no lye relaxer my hair seemed like it needed to be moisturized more than it does now that I have lye...there are plenty of ladies with no lye relaxers so hopefully some of them will help you out.
Hello Beauty,

It has been many years since I had a lye relaxer. Maybe 20 years, back in the Revlon Relaxer days. So, I can't really make a comparison. It was only since I have been a member of this board (October of this year) that I heard that no-lye relaxed hair can be dryer than hair straightened with lye relaxer.

I just keep mine moisturized and reduce heat usage and I am having good results.

I hope that helps.
Well I use no lye and really can't make a comparison because I can't use lye relaxers.

I moisterize with carefree curl gold. I give my hair a spritz of rosewater and glyerin in the winter when my hair feels like it needs it.

beauty said:
sorry I meant what product do moisturize with( if you currently use a no-lye relaxer).

I moisturize with a variety of things like Ojon Revitalizing Mist (Leave-in Spray) or Neutrogena Silk Touch Leave-in and then seal with Sweet Almond Oil (SEO), coconut oil, or jojoba oil.
Yes, I find my no-lye ends (big mistake from a while ago) are very dry and impossible to moisturize. I never had this problem when my hair only had a lye relaxer.

I'm looking for help as well ;)
Arcadian said:
Well I use no lye and really can't make a comparison because I can't use lye relaxers.

I moisterize with carefree curl gold. I give my hair a spritz of rosewater and glyerin in the winter when my hair feels like it needs it.


BTW, I just bought rosewater because I stumbled across some last week and I have heard good things about it. How do you use yours? Also, where can I find glycerin?