Lupus -Straighten Naturals/Naturals or Relaxed hair problems


New Member
I would like to know if there are any ladies whose has Lupus and have fragile hair?

I always had a nice length prior to being diagnosed with Lupus SLE. I went natural 6 years ago, because my scalp could not handle the chemicals and it would cause constant bleeding and oozing from the scalp. I relaxed every 8 wks.

Now that I am natural, I get my hair straighten every 2-3 wks and it grows, but then it breaks easily. I know the meds. might have something to do with the hair being fragile. I also take Biotin.

I would like to hear if anyone found a solution that works for their hair?


Well-Known Member
Maybe these threads might help:

I remember telling someone who had Lupus about my taking Garlinase 4000 aka Garlinase Fresh as regular supplement since my years of dealing with systemic candidiasis and she started to take it (one a day) and she saw great improvements from it. I can't remember what exactly but maybe it's discussed in one of those threads. You should check out the health forum too for ideas. I'm pretty sure this has been discussed there.


Active Member
I have this same problem and went natural over a decade ago. I couldn't handle the chemicals at all. I pressed for awhile and was beyond bsl but stress always shows in my hair and it began to thin out. I've had several set backs and finally bc'd because my hair was fragile, think and overall jacked!

Regular garlic, and biotin supplements have helped but my hair is still fine and very fragile. I just started henna again-don't know why I ever stopped and a good moisture/protein balance. Gentle handling helps too. As my hair grows back, I think I'll forgo heat all together and just let it grow.