Living for the approval of LHCF!!! Extremism and the Healthy Hair Police

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Well-Known Member
I'm noticing an interesting trend on LHCF lately; "controversial" debates over certain methods, perceptions of what it means to be "natural", whether hair "typing" is necessary etc etc.... The "Healthy Hair Police" are in full effect! I'll be DAMNED if someone perceives my method of caring for my hair as "not up to par with LHCF/ haircare board standards". Who determines these laws? Are we taking each others HHJ's too personally?

I think we can all agree on a few core principles that constitute healthy haircare practices but people seem to get angry if someone speaks up about a product/technique that everyone seems to LOVE that did not work for them, likes or dislike henna, uses a blow dryer, uses a comb to detangle, relaxes bone straight, uses shampoo, doesn't baggy, I could go on and on......

I take much better care of my hair since joining LHCF, but I notice a lot of extremism around these parts lately....

ETA: I feel like this creates an environment that discourages some people from posting about methods/products that work well for them.
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I have deleted my response cause it's not helpful.

There might be some posters antagonising others and looking for a fight but it is just best to ignore and keep it moving rather than adding fuel to the fire.

This majority of this place is really positive and I love it.
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This is the 2nd thread I have seen this morning about all the controversy, yet I always seem to miss whats going on and where.
Then again, I'm new so idk what this 'LHCF standard' is:(
Well since we have a police force, can I play detective? I love snooping, I'll inspect and investigate for damage with a quickness! :giggle:

Oh and I'm just kidding.
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I've said in the past, bump them! No one is volunteering to deep condition, do my braid outs, trim, relax or massage my scalp, and they're certainly not buying me any products so the HP can get lost.
Wow, interesting. I'm just going to remain neutral in all the " extra" activities that have been going on lately. Idk if the cold weather is getting to everyone or what but i deal with enough hostility in public (bklyn swag) then to come on a website and feel some type of way as well. I thought this was a forum/ discussion board where u could voice your opinion as long as u aren't being outright disrespectful. There is such a thing as disagreements, ppl are not always going to agree with everything.

More to say but this freakin touch screen is getting on my nerves.:rolleyes:
Have a blessed day ladies!!
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