Keracare Demineralizing Treatment, Has anyone used these recently?


New Member
I found some old threads on these but I would like to know if anyone tried them recently. I bought a tub today and hopefully I'll get to try them tonight. The directions say to shampoo hair and after final rinse, use the wipes, then condition and style as usual.

I'm wondering, if you condition and rinse wouldn't that deposit mineral back into your hair?

Do they mean to use a leave in conditioner so you won't have to rinse again?

Will it be bad to shampoo, condition, use the wipes, and then use a leave in conditioner?

If anyone have used them please let me know how you used it. TIA.
I think the wipes are supposed to be used after youre done rinsing everything out. Otherwise, once you rinse ur puttin the same hard minerals back into the hair.

Im not sure about using it before a leave-in though.
Three words....Waste of Money

ITA! IMO all you really need is a good chelating shampoo to get rid of mineral deposits. Keracare First lather does not chelate, but it did manage to strip the heck out of my hair without fail, especially when I used their petroleum/silicone/mineral oil laden products. Save your money next time.