Jane Carter Solutions vs Elucence


Well-Known Member
So, I went to the BSS today and ran across Jane Carter products. Of course, I came home, searched LHCF for all that I could find in regards to the products. I really want to try the Jane Carter line, however, I started using Elucence and I'm really pleased with my results. For those who have used both, which would you recommend and why? Thanks in advance ladies.
WHOA STOP BACK IT UP! Jane Carter products are NOT sold in Beauty supply stores. She only seels them online and in a few grocery stores (whole foods and one other one I cant think of). I made the mistake of buying somethign of hers form a BSS and realized it really wasnt hers when I opened it. It was counterfeit. Please if youre gonna try hers then I highly suggest buying it only from her website or Whole foods. Otherwise you really cant trust what youre getting....
I was just about to say I didn't think Jane Carter was sold in the BSS. I bought mine from Whole Foods and compared the ingredients from the website on my sidekick to make sure I was getting the right stuff b4 I left the store.

I use the Elucence MB shampoo & conditioner. Then I use the Wrap & Roll from JCS (along with a litte extra Elucence as a leave in, or JCS Hair Creme on the ends). After my hair is dry I use the scalp oil and the Nourish & Shine by JCS.

I found that the JCS shampoo has SLS, and I don't use anything with SLS unless I'm clarifying (then it's good ole Suave). The JCS cond. has protein in it, so I use it for a deep condish/ protein treatment once every two weeks.

The Elucence shine products (the spray & leave in) have silicons, so I stay away from them, too.

In short, I use- and LOVE- both lines, but pick according to my needs.

Hands down, JCS is the BEST stuff I've ever used post-shower. It's all natural and smells yummy. The Elucence MB shampoo & conditioner can't be beat.

beyondcute said:
WHOA STOP BACK IT UP! Jane Carter products are NOT sold in Beauty supply stores. She only seels them online and in a few grocery stores (whole foods and one other one I cant think of). I made the mistake of buying somethign of hers form a BSS and realized it really wasnt hers when I opened it. It was counterfeit. Please if youre gonna try hers then I highly suggest buying it only from her website or Whole foods. Otherwise you really cant trust what youre getting....

ITA. Don't waste your money the small BSS stores do not have the real deal I learned this the hard way!!! Please check the website for her distributors if you don't want to purchase it online.
On and for the record I think her line is the BOMB! :lol: For real Ive bene using her stuff for a few years now and its worth every penny! I dont use ehr shampoo cuz Im stuck on head n shoulders (what my derm insisted on me using) but everythign else is a green light. My faves are the wraping lotion, levae in conditioner, and the nourish and shine (creme or butter both of those are great). I tried Elucence once.... It was nice.
I've never tried her styling products although I've heard good things about them. I tried her poo and con, and it was AWFUL...tangles and dryness! I've been a little skeptical about ordering any of her other stuff since then.

To be fair, the moisturizing poo from her line did a wonderful job on my dog's coat. :look:

I haven't tried the Elucence so I can't say...
I've tried both. Elucence is the winner for me hands down. It provided my hair with so much moisture and slip.
I didnt know they made counterfeit hair products, that's news to me. I guess I'll stick with Elucence, however, I do want to try the leave in conditioner from Jane Carter. I currently use NTM silk touch leave in, but I think once I'm done with that, I'll try to find something new. Thanks for the input ladies, it was greatly appreciated.
aileenadq said:

I use the Elucence MB shampoo & conditioner. Then I use the Wrap & Roll from JCS (along with a litte extra Elucence as a leave in, or JCS Hair Creme on the ends). After my hair is dry I use the scalp oil and the Nourish & Shine by JCS.

I found that the JCS shampoo has SLS, and I don't use anything with SLS unless I'm clarifying (then it's good ole Suave). The JCS cond. has protein in it, so I use it for a deep condish/ protein treatment once every two weeks.

The Elucence shine products (the spray & leave in) have silicons, so I stay away from them, too.

In short, I use- and LOVE- both lines, but pick according to my needs.

Hands down, JCS is the BEST stuff I've ever used post-shower. It's all natural and smells yummy. The Elucence MB shampoo & conditioner can't be beat.


I agree, I'd keep Elucence shampoo and conditioner, but try the other JC products which are very good.
You ladies read my mind, i was just thinking as i read the post: I didnt know they sold JCS Products in the beauty supply store. These products are really great however i agree that they are sold at select stores and online. I dont know how to tell the counterfeit ones but i would be skeptical if they are in a BSS. They could be old products that perhaps were re-sold to them. You dont want that either :nono: