Jan 26 27 28 What Are Your Weekend Hair Plans?

It's days like this that I have to force myself to remember my commitment to my hair! I'm so tired and my weekend is over but here I am getting in my weekly DC at 4:30 PM on a Sunday.

Wash: ORS Clarifying; Haven't clarified in so long they done changed the bottle on me!
Detangle:Natures Advantage Honey Almond Con.
DC: ORS Cowash with EVO over it
TRIM...my ends are so rough but I can't avoid this step any longer. It's probably been 6 months since I trimmed last.
Reset my wash n go
ORS Naturals Ghee Leave-in
ORS Butter Smoothie
A heavy hand of ECO Olive Oil Gel
Blow dry through out the Grammy's tonight!

Oh and all this while cooking dinner and cornrowing DD's hair!
Hair was in chunky twists that I'd been wearing under a wig for the last 11 days or so. The twists had been saturated with Shea Moisture hipo mask.

Sunday afternoon I:
  1. rewet hair to reactivate the SM hipo mask and use it as a detangler;
  2. fully detangled each twist: fingers, Magic Star Jumbo Rake, KareCo Tangle Buster Brush, Kent 16t seamless comb;
  3. washed out the mask with Malibu C Hard Water Shampoo;
  4. applied HairVeda Red Tea Serum to my ends;
  5. applied Taliah Waajid Protective Mist Bodifier and Jakeala Shea Amla Parfait to my ends and length; and
  6. installed and banded sleek twists.
I'll wear the twist out, retwisting and rebanding at night.