
Well-Known Member

yall im am so addicted to the Sensationnel instant weaves lol...i updated my fotki with some pics of some different ones...the pics arent that clear..i had to run back and get two im going back to try to exchange the long one with a #4 because the #2 is too dark for my hair(i was thinking of getting one with some streaks in it for the the long one of the F4/30 they have that in the brochure)...and the bob like one..makes me look too too old..i thought it was cute with the layers but i dont want it to look to much like a going to exchange that for a totally different one they have a tight curly human hair looking one that im hoping they have at the BSS..they dont have it in the brochure...if you go to under instant weaves and then instant weave thinking of getting the HZ8007(its the very last one) if they dont have this one then i guess i'll end up getting the HZ7009 and then the HZ7000(thats the first one) loving the curly look i going to have a total of 4 different tell me what yall think of these looks..and which one will not look so much like a wig in your opinion before i go???and which ones look good and young....
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Hi Bluediamond,

I've been wearing an instant weave as my protective style since September with great succuess! I've gotten so many compliments on the style- and it looks real because I trimmed the bangs and bulk on the sides.

At first, I was concern about wearing a "wig" versus a sew-in weve, but this has been better for the health of my hair and scalp.

Good luck to you, AND ROCK THOSE LOOKS! :D
Thanks sweetie im loving it..its not hot on my head..and i can switch up..unlike wearing a full cap wig...and it cost me less to get them than to worry about paying to get my hair braided and sitting for long hours...and at least this way i can actually get to my hair and take of my own hair and see the growth from my vitamins...and doing the cowashes...
Im not sure is it the HZ7004 one with the shoulder length straight look??? thats the one i have in one of the pics..and it is so shiny and i thought it was the color that i had got im thinking of just switching the color of it...maybe it will look a little duller then..because i just got the curly/wavey one that is like a bob type length and i also brought a layered look in #4 and neither one of them seem to be as shiny as the first one..maybe i'll ask when i go back in to exchange it...
i think that's it called atomic? the one i have is longer in the front than the back i have color #4 as well
i dont think mine has a looking at the brochure now and the website..all it has is that its HZ 7004 its kind of like a layered look in the front(im looking at the model and describing it from how she is wear it) and about shoulder not sure how to make the shine go away with that one...i wonder if the HZ7000 or the maybe the human hair or reversible ones would have less or a that you mentioned it i may have to just do without that one and try to find ones with less shine to them..
Hi bluediamond0829,
I brought my first one last year and love it. But it does not fit well anymore.:(
Yours looks great.:)
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bronzehair said:
i just bought 1 this past saturday but the hair is shiner than my own. any ideas on how to dull it?

I use this stuff ( to color match my phony ponies to my natural hair color as well as to take the shine down. I fool a lot of people w/ my customized color phony ponies.

A couple of tips if you want to try this:
  • Use something thicker than a paper towel to lay the pony on when spraying. Don't hold it in the air and spray it like you would hair spray. :(
  • After you've sprayed it make sure you wipe it down to remove the excess color. It'll get all over your fingers everytime you (or anyone else) touches it. :mad:
  • It does stain the pony so you can rinse it and it will retain some of its new color.
  • If you haven't rinsed it don't wear it in the rain (yuck, I can't even imagine). :eek:
  • Use two colors and make the base darker to make it appear more natural. :cool:
Good luck.
sareca said:
I use this stuff ( to color match my phony ponies to my natural hair color as well as to take the shine down. I fool a lot of people w/ my customized color phony ponies.

A couple of tips if you want to try this:
  • Use something thicker than a paper towel to lay the pony on when spraying. Don't hold it in the air and spray it like you would hair spray. :(
  • After you've sprayed it make sure you wipe it down to remove the excess color. It'll get all over your fingers everytime you (or anyone else) touches it. :mad:
  • It does stain the pony so you can rinse it and it will retain some of its new color.
  • If you haven't rinsed it don't wear it in the rain (yuck, I can't even imagine). :eek:
  • Use two colors and make the base darker to make it appear more natural. :cool:
Good luck.

thanks for the tips..i havent gotten my hair long enough to do the phonie ponies yet..but ill keep them in mind...
Blue, I have the HZ7009, and I love it, I have pics of that one in my album, even my own mom thought it was real.
cincybrownsugar said:
Blue, I have the HZ7009, and I love it, I have pics of that one in my album, even my own mom thought it was real.

Girl i was almost about to be tempted again..thats the another one that i was debating on to the one that you have...but i have a total of 5 of them..i was able to convince the lady the change it out...because the #2 was too dark for my hair..but she wldnt exchange my layered i ended up having to keep it...and plus i got two mom thought it was my hair..but because it is time for a relaxer she could tell that it wasnt no matter how much gel i put on it in the front my hair just waves up...but i wore the long one and the short natuarlly curly one today..and didnt mind wearing it...i thought i would have to put a rinse in my hair because the naturally curly one is so reddish brwn compared to the other ones...thats what i dont get and they are in the same colors #4 but this one just seems to be more redder than the other ones...oh loving them...
I totally understand you on that, I went from refusing to wear weaves to just about wearing them regularly :look: I love the strawset one because I don't have to blend my hair.