I'm Confused....


New Member
I have searched the forum and I was able to found about what products are good and not. My problem is when to use them?

When do you conditon and deep condition....Do you alternate between the two?(ieConditon one week, Deep conditon the next) Or can you do them at the same time? Can you use as regular conditioner as a deep conditioner.
Can you pre poo with a conditioners? If so how does the regimen work. Do you wash the conditioner, shampoo, and then deep conditoner?

If you exercise regularly and have protein in the diet, as a transitioner, do you still need protein treatment regularly( ie once a month)? It is a given that as a transitioner your hair will be breaking so protein is needed? Can you go through transitioning without protein treatments.

How often do you hot oil treatment. Can you do this every wash session?
Why do you need silicone products? What is the benefit in using these products? Can they make your head hard.
Um, wow, that's a lot of questions you asked in one post!:eek: :lol: No wonder the search function didn't help you out very much. I'll post my answers in your quoted text below:

Hil84figer said:
I have searched the forum and I was able to found about what products are good and not. My problem is when to use them?

When do you conditon and deep condition....
Do you alternate between the two?(ieConditon one week, Deep conditon the next), or can you do them at the same time?:

You should deep condition after every shampoo wash for best results. Not all conditioners qualify as "deep conditioners" (see this thread: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=94325). Cheapies like Suave or V05 can be used as "rinse-out" conditioners, to detangle your hair after washing. They can also be used for cowashes.

Can you use as regular conditioner as a deep conditioner.
See above.

Can you pre poo with a conditioners? If so how does the regimen work. Do you wash the conditioner, shampoo, and then deep conditoner?

You can prepoo with a deep conditioner, cheap conditioner, or oils. You add the prepoo to dry hair, let it sit, then shampoo & deep condition. Some people also deep condition this way - by adding the deep conditioner to dry hair, letting it penetrate, then shampooing. I've tried this method recently, and it seems to work fine for me.

If you exercise regularly and have protein in the diet, as a transitioner, do you still need protein treatment regularly( ie once a month)? It is a given that as a transitioner your hair will be breaking so protein is needed? Can you go through transitioning without protein treatments.

I'm not transitioning, but not everybody's hair responds well to protein. This may require some trial and error on your part to find what works best for your hair.

How often do you hot oil treatment. Can you do this every wash session?
I don't do hot oil treatments, but I don't see why you couldn't do one with every wash session.

Why do you need silicone products? What is the benefit in using these products? Can they make your head hard.
Silicones are not necessary, but they can be great for detangling your hair, adding shine, and assisting with styling. You have to be careful when using them, though. They can build up on your hair and lock out moisture, leading to breakage. If you use lots of products with cones, you should clarify your hair more frequently. See this link for some additional info about cones:
preciousjewel76 said:
Um, wow, that's a lot of questions you asked in one post!:eek: :lol: No wonder the search function didn't help you out very much. I'll post my answers in your quoted text below:

:lol: I know right. I try to be as thorough as I can. I just recently washing my hard and had a bad turnout. I am trying to see what may have contributed to it.