I'm a newbie, question about hairtopia


New Member
Hi, im new to your site. I have been viewing alot of your post and i have a question for you all. Has anyone tried hairtopia and what kind of success did you have? I want to join the challenge with vivicsal, but i have been taking hairtopia for about a month i don't want to stop if it is better than vivicsal. Any feedback will be appreciated.



Well-Known Member
I tried hairtopia and my verdict is:


You will see growth, but to be honest, I got more growth, longer nails, and great skin by taking two pills a day of MSM supplements, which you can find at any gnc, pharmacy or healthfoods store for about $10. Hairtopia is expensive and you have to take 6 pills a day...not worth it. I bought a 1 month's supply and that was it.


New Member
I personally had awesome results with it. But it is expensive and it requires taking 6-8 pills a day (basic 6, total 8). Now if it didnt cost $50 a bottle I would continue, but I am tired of taking so many pills. However it works, but just about as well as any hair vitamin in the capsule form.


New Member
I bought the 3 month supply of the Hairtopia Total system :)mad: before I found this forum) and I took the vitamins regularly for 3 weeks. Needless to say I didnt see the "instant" results everyone raved about on the website and I stopped taking them. I am however a certified PJ and decided that I'll finish them (they were expensive) before buying new vitamins. If anyone has any suggestions on supplements, I promise I'll buy them only after I finish these!:grin: