I want long hair but I need a style!


New Member
My ultimate hair goal is LONG, natural, healthy hair. LONG being #1. So, because I want length, I never really bc'd. I trimmed my relaxed ends away. My straightened hair was just about SL when I cut the last relaxed ends out.

I've always had my hair straightened then trimmed so it would look nice when I wear it straight. But I realize I rarely wear it straight anymore. Maybe a couple days every month or two. But my hair looks so unstyled when I WNG.

So... I'm thinking about getting a style cut into my hair in its natural state and not worrying about how it will look IF I choose to straighten it.

Any comments/suggestions/opinions/experiences?

I always though that once you get a style cut into your hair, you have to keep cutting it to keep it looking fresh. IDK... I dont want to set myself up for a setback, but I'm tired of my hair looking like blah...