I purchased the Gallon Size Of MT- Did I make a mistake!

Ya know, but after I'm done with the 16 oz bottles I will be getting the gallon size because I use it everyday and the gallon is a saving. So as much as people say it's a lot, if you use it, it's a money saver.

It's £116 for the gallon in the UK About $220, you lot are getting it for cheap and about $40 for the 16oz but I'm fine with it as it does what it says on the bottle. Except repair my hoofs, mane n tail :look:

i agree :yep: i will be getting the gallon too.

I'm wondering if someone can order it from USA and send it to me, so i save some money! i'll pay via paypal......anyone???????:look: PM me :)
Yes Trudy, I too have wondered what is the long term effect of this horse hair enhancing product.
Anyway, I'm surprised so many people were making an issue of the bill remark????
Anyway, I hope you find your answer, just wanted to say I've pondered that question re: these products too.

horse hair enhancing product? :huh:
I started out a year ago, but didn't like it. so I put it away and then I think Feb it resurfaced on the boards and I read it for about a month and decided to join the challenge in March, at that point I had purchased Ovations and still had the MT. but you know I am not good at routines. so I don't know if I acheive much growth for a few months, then others acheive great growth so I started again more diligently and my hair grew really fast so fast it was visable to anyone who saw me. I put twist in to see it myself. I was so hooked and then I notice it was getting harder to get (cheaper anyway) it took a month for me to get the 16oz so I decided why keep going through this get one gallon size and be done with it for a while. I had money set aside for a few more bottles of Ovations which is what 140.00. so I added few more dollars and got the gallon MT. Does that make sense. I only added 23 dollars more and brought a gallon.

U know now that you mention it and LORD knows I already done put my brain to work about the use of these products, much to the disgust of others though :perplexed but you got my brain working again :spinning:

kinda like taking Biotin or MSM you grow out different hair. MSM=Possible texture change and Biotin=thicker strands possibly, so then the other hair on your head is different and once usage is stopped, the new growing hair from then on would possibly be different

might be the same with Keratin use and the stronger hair, stopping use will have different hair growing in than the MT/OCT treated hair possibly? just a possible scenario I would think

I know EVERYBODY but ME can speak on their thoughts/feelings about this stuff now, but let it go ya'll. I am responding with 'my thoughts' to a post, nothing more

not trashing yall's MT/OCT products.......OK?

I completely understand where you ladies are coming from.There is nothing wrong with inquiring about the side effects of a product. However, in the case of MT it seems like that is taboo.
I completely understand where you ladies are coming from.There is nothing wrong with inquiring about the side effects of a product. However, in the case of MT it seems like that is taboo.

Taboo like a mugg! Especially for me :nono::spinning:

The ambushes were ugly and are old! so um lets not go there :wallbash:

You know whats crazy is I swear before God I get emails like crazy about people using it and coming to ME after all that with massive shedding and problems , thanking me, and what not and really I give them all my support , but where were they when I WAS getting ambushed like a mugg? and I ask them to speak up openly here about what it did to their hair and most wont.........now thats a dang shame:wallbash:

this shyt aint THAT DAMN special, its the same as everything and anything, it can work for some and not for others, Some of ya'll need to stop being afraid to speak up and some others need to back down and take the gaurds down cause it aint that serious, some people DO have problems using these products, no matter what they do and thats a fact and nothing personal (just like with any other products) and they should be able to speak up and openly here about it without fear of ambush or attack:wallbash:

just as its always been here and it should remain

but as we all know...........:nono:
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Trudy, I understand exactly where you are coming from. It seems to me that a lot of people took the one part about paying a bill off and ran with it. When I read your post, I got from it that you were just wondering whether or not this stuff is safe/normal for our hair or cells, and how long will one use it. Not about how you've neglected your bills to buy MT and now you wish you would have paid the bill.

I think that anyone who has been around here long enough knows better than to ever say something like that even if it were true, because you WILL get attacked. So, I don't think Trudy is that stupid to come on here and actually say that she doesn't pay here bills to buy hair products. I think she is just saying, almost as a figure of speech, that she could have paid a bill with that money. Hell, that could mean a bill next month or in December. Of course when we buy anything, there's always the fact that we "could have" paid a bill with it. Not just a bill that is currently due or past due. Even if ALL of your bills are paid and caught up, there will still be the fact that you could have used money spent shopping to pay a future bill. But, yet and still, this was the point of her post.

I'm sure there are a number of people here including myself who have purchased things, and then had regrets about it. I did the same thing with the Pibbs. The questions that you have are good questions. I would just say that when posting a question here, it is best to leave your personal life out of it, because your actual question will get OVERLOOKED by the other small talk in your post. If you had title your post "Is MT really safe", and only said, "Are we all crazy? it works yes, but whats really going on. How can our hair grow so fast? is it a mistake to make it grow faster? whats happening inside our bodies, what is the product doing. its says cell rebuilder is it really rebuilding the cells at a rapid rate. Are we overworking the cells.", I wonder what kind of responses you would have gotten then...probably more of what you were looking for!
Trudy, I understand exactly where you are coming from. It seems to me that a lot of people took the one part about paying a bill off and ran with it. When I read your post, I got from it that you were just wondering whether or not this stuff is safe/normal for our hair or cells, and how long will one use it. Not about how you've neglected your bills to buy MT and now you wish you would have paid the bill.

I think that anyone who has been around here long enough knows better than to ever say something like that even if it were true, because you WILL get attacked. So, I don't think Trudy is that stupid to come on here and actually say that she doesn't pay here bills to buy hair products. I think she is just saying, almost as a figure of speech, that she could have paid a bill with that money. Hell, that could mean a bill next month or in December. Of course when we buy anything, there's always the fact that we "could have" paid a bill with it. Not just a bill that is currently due or past due. Even if ALL of your bills are paid and caught up, there will still be the fact that you could have used money spent shopping to pay a future bill. But, yet and still, this was the point of her post.

I'm sure there are a number of people here including myself who have purchased things, and then had regrets about it. I did the same thing with the Pibbs. The questions that you have are good questions. I would just say that when posting a question here, it is best to leave your personal life out of it, because your actual question will get OVERLOOKED by the other small talk in your post. If you had title your post "Is MT really safe", and only said, "Are we all crazy? it works yes, but whats really going on. How can our hair grow so fast? is it a mistake to make it grow faster? whats happening inside our bodies, what is the product doing. its says cell rebuilder is it really rebuilding the cells at a rapid rate. Are we overworking the cells.", I wonder what kind of responses you would have gotten then...probably more of what you were looking for!
aww girl the responses probably would have been even worse truth be told, also truth be told that might be why it was so harshly zoned in on what she said about she could have used it to pay a bill.......is all that 'other talk' she had in her post :look: :perplexed
I started out a year ago, but didn't like it. so I put it away and then I think Feb it resurfaced on the boards and I read it for about a month and decided to join the challenge in March, at that point I had purchased Ovations and still had the MT. but you know I am not good at routines. so I don't know if I acheive much growth for a few months, then others acheive great growth so I started again more diligently and my hair grew really fast so fast it was visable to anyone who saw me. I put twist in to see it myself. I was so hooked and then I notice it was getting harder to get (cheaper anyway) it took a month for me to get the 16oz so I decided why keep going through this get one gallon size and be done with it for a while. I had money set aside for a few more bottles of Ovations which is what 140.00. so I added few more dollars and got the gallon MT. Does that make sense. I only added 23 dollars more and brought a gallon.
Well I'll say this: if you feel it's really working for you, then continue to use it. But since you purchased a gallon of it, I'd make sure that I got every penny's worth out of that gallon. A lot of us make the mistake of buying products after jumping on a bandwagon, only to have them end up sitting in the back corner of bathroom cabinets, kitchen cabinets, closets, etc...........Lord knows I've gotten rid of my share of expired products. Waste of money................As for buyer's remorse, just try to be a wee bit more careful in the future when it comes to purchasing stuff like that. I've become a lot more conscious of what I buy nowadays because I evaluate beforehand the pros and cons of buying something. If I see the latest rave on here, I'm always quick to say "ohh, I want that, I'm going to try that out." However, after I've finally had a chance to think about whether or not I really need that product, appliance, hair toy, etc., it saves me money and shelf space because I realize I really don't need or want it after all.
If you decide not to keep it, then you can always try for a refund, or I'm more than sure there a lots of ladies on here that will be willing to take it off your hands:grin:
I'm going to buy the gallon size also but I know what you mean but when the 16oz is basically 30 a bottle that stuff adds up regardless.