I got the BIG CHOP yesterday!


New Member
After transitioning for five months, I finally got the big chop yesterday. I was extremely scared so I had my fiance cut my hair. He was like no at first, but when I told him that I really needed his support he did. It was quite a process, at first he was really upset about it, but as he kept cutting, he got really into it. He even busted out his clippers and gave me a shape up. When he was done we both looked in the mirror and
I think it was theraputic for both of us to laugh. After I washed and applied products it looked much better.

My question for the naturals is: after the chopped I have about and inch and a half of hair. It's kind of hard though and dries very easily even after I mist it during lunch. I'm young (24) but I do have to appear professional because I am an accountant. So how long will this rough patch last? is it scab hair? what exactly is scab hair?

One thing is that I do look cute, but I have to get used to this spongy thick hair!
I was too scared but then I thought, hey God gave me this hair, so I can't look ugly in it - thats like being ugly in my own skin.
Congratulations, Kandi!!!!
I did the big chop about a month ago, and I did the same thing that you and your fiance did, I just laughed and laughed!!! Unfortunately, I don't really have that many tips, but I do suggest that you do a conditioner rinse when your hair gets dry. That also helps with the shrinkage. Good luck on your natural journey. I'm sure you look marvelous!
Oh a rough patch you say huh? I've got your solution. Slather some shea butter and lekairs conditioner on your beautiful twa, let sit, then rinse out. OR try mixing a bit of honey and olive oil in a glass, heat it than put it in your hair, let sit, then rinse out. Last but not least I you can try some sta sof fro and see how that works.

Congrats...I'm not a natural but I recommend curl activator that stuff makes your hair soft and if you put a plastic cap on it will instantly rehydrate dry hair...I learned that the hard way cuz my batnu knots were ruined cuz of this....don't worry you don't need a lot and you don't have a curl so don't worry about dripping the jheri juice all over everything and smelling funny. It absorbs quite easily and leaves the hair feeling soft...wish I had this knowledge when I was natural maybe I would have stayed that way.

Congrats! the roughness after I did the BC lasted for a couple of months. Its will get better as the hair grows back. The ends are especially dry becasue they are cut blunt. Just continue to deep condtion and moisturize and the drieness will eventually go away, You may find that you miight have to do another trim in the third month or so
Yippy for you!! It'll really start growing fast!! My hair grew fast with relaxers, but it seems to really take off when natural. I guess it's just the breather. As for scab hair, I never encountered scab hair either time I went natural, so I don't know. I hear the term, but I've never experienced it. But just keep doing your co washes and all the normal care routine you do for it! Great going!
. i had a similar problem when i went natural i gave myself a scalp massage with tea tree oil ( antiseptic) and almond oil but you can use shea or any other oils. let it sit for 30 minutes then shampoo out with a gentle shampoo(johnson&johnson baby shampoo) then condition it with a moisturizing conditioner. gently towel dry then add your moisturizer. try this tea tree treatment once a week, condition wash and moisturize daily. By the way if you need some shea butter i am selling it in 4oz,8oz and 16oz. if you are interested pm me. Good luck
Congrats!!! I will be doing a mini chop in December. I am trying to wait under I am under bra strap. Right now I am at the top of my bra strap.
congrats i'm late but congrats all the same. did you keep your hair. i couldn't let go for a while. hey take a pic we all want to see.