How would you handle this situation?


Well-Known Member
A Christian friend started dating someone, fell off the face of the earth and/or stopped communcating their devout Christian ways until suddenly they are single again.

I mean they literally and abruptly stopped speaking on how we should all be faithful to God, trust in him solely:confused: and simply stopped witnessing for God in the manner they used to.

Would you ask them "if their silence was due to them sinning with their now ex boyfriend?":(

How would you handle this situation honestly?
I'd probably make it clear that he/she is always welcome to talk to me in an environment free of judgment. I'd ask open-ended questions to get him/her talking about the situation and see if it was something he/she cared to discuss.

If not, I'd leave it at that. Everybody has different timelines of when they're ready to discuss things, and he/she just may not be ready. S/he may also find the matter too personal or embarassing to discuss. Sometimes we shame ourselves into embarassment by forgetting how much God loves us and how faithful He is.

I would just be there for that person.
In that situation I would start with Prayer, of course ;) . After that I don't know what to advise, but I hope all goes well for you and your friend.
We know the answer as to why she became 'MIA'. ;)

When a woman falls in love, be she a Christian or non-Christian, 'everything' goes into 'abandon.' Even the women who 'stay' in the 'faith', in church, etc., 'abandon' all except him. Her body may be 'present' but her heart/thoughts/motivation is with 'him', and every waking moment is spent on preparing and creating ways to make being with him a happy experience.

And it's scriptural, for God has designed a woman to yield. Of course there are 'some' exceptions and different levels of abandonment and yielding; but it still occurs in some form or another.

Knowing this, we 'abandon' all judgement, questions, frowns, and just be 'there' with open arms to love them back to the arms of the One who always loved her...Jesus.