How to deal with a brokenheart...


Well-Known Member
I received this in an email today and thought it may help someone who may be hurting. Be Blessed!!!

Broken Jars of Clay

This is dedicated to every young man and young women that, in the words of Elizabeth Elliot,have "fallen prey to that cruel and vexatious spirit" those who prey on young eager and open hearts so ready for love....

-First things first child...forgive them. If you can't forgive them ask God to give you more of HIS surpassing grace to do so. After that, you must forgive yourself. You made a might not have paid attention to all the signs but SO WHAT do not harp on it? Repent... and in the words of a wise woman "Go forward and Do better next time..." (Thanks Karen)

- Through prayer and God's grace, fight the spirit of rejection. you must first understand that YOU HAVE NOT BEEN REJECTED. If Christ Jesus has accepted you then WHO can reject you. If someone is to reject they must have power to do so. And who has power but GOD? Lift up your head, wipe those tears away and say "No man has the power to reject me..."

-Understand your worth and know that you are not confined to mans view. Trust God...this situation seems don't understand why you gave out so much love and did not get it back... but I have good news...God is a redeemer and a restorer to those who trust Him. (Psalm 34:17)

- Please know that you will love again. Can I say it again? You will love again! Despite the statistics and the age stop looking around and look up! And if it be God's will...when you meet the one that God has ordained for will swear you have never loved this way before.. (Thanks Candice Jackson and Ms. J)

- Fight through prayer the bitterness that attempts to creep through your heart. Its only a lie. Fight it by clinging to the cross of Christ and loving harder than you ever have before, offer yourself unto the alter of God and allow Him to use you to brighten someones day through service. Be kinder. Be gentler. Listen longer, make your hugs more embracing and know that you are not the only one. Allow God to demonstrate His power of redemption through your situation. Some people never recover from what you've been through.All human beings are seeking the love that can only be found through Christ. They try to feel voids with drugs, casual sex, sometimes holding on to abusive relationships...introduce them to the love Christ which truly is a thirst quencher!

Don't wish bad on the person who hurt you. ( Pray first to ask God for the power to do this, its not easy!.) Pray for them. Pray their hearts be mended and their hearts draw back to Christ. They only hurt you because that's whats going on within them. The rejection and the coldness they threw at you was what was going on internally in them.

Don't feel alone in your pain. God always with His children. Yes He is sovereign and holds the universe together yet He hears you when you cry...He never sleeps (Isaiah 40)(Joshua 1:9)

Know that there is true beauty in brokenness... That's when we grow and thats when we are easily molded by God. Though the pain is dreadful, know that it is a "severe mercy". God's mercy merely said "no".

And finally know that the immense pain is only temporary (2 Corinthians 4:16-18) Pray through it. Press through it. Cry yourself to sleep when you need to. Allow God to hold you in His warm embrace. Ask God to show you the lesson in this test. Know that ONLY GOD has the power to heal a broken heart so spending time with someone else to fill your void is a massive mistake. You will only end up emptier...:(

Take time to heal completely. Do not find a rebound but you rebound and find joy and peace through the love of Christ which NOTHING in this whole universe can replace. ..(Isaiah 26:3)

And these are lessons in heart break... take it in. chew on it. pray on it. But most importantly stand and know that as my Nana and grandma Nettie used to say..."Chile...And this too shall pass"


Well-Known Member
You all are quite welcome. I wish I had this a year ago. I'm glad I can help someone else.


Well-Known Member
OKAY LORD! I'm done fighting...I'm done trying to do it myself. haven't told me it was wrong. You didn't ever tell me no I have the wrong idea from the information I received....I'lll stop now and be quiet...I won't cry anymore this week

Thank you for this....


New Member
Lord I needed this message so much. My heart has been broken so many times and I can never get over the heartbreak. I make two steps forward only to fall back three. I receive this message of deliverance and look forward to the road ahead. In Jesus Name...Amen

ETA...Thanks Janaee!


funny thing happened, I'm talking to my girlfriend on the phone and I see the posting and I'm like wow that sounds similar to a note she just posted on facebook, I thought it was a forward, but she actually wrote it, her name is Michelle, she's blessed that it's been passed around, wow look how big God is. I'm the Candice J she's talking about


Well-Known Member
funny thing happened, I'm talking to my girlfriend on the phone and I see the posting and I'm like wow that sounds similar to a note she just posted on facebook, I thought it was a forward, but she actually wrote it, her name is Michelle, she's blessed that it's been passed around, wow look how big God is. I'm the Candice J she's talking about

Wow....this is indeed a small world. A friend of mine going through a break up sent this to me. Michelle is GOD's vessel and is defintely blessed for writing this!!! :yep: